Question Session #1

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Kyoya: Don't just stand there, ask them already.

Nick: Geez. Ok then. No need to be mean Kyoya.

Kyoya: I wasn't mean. I was just trying to make this go faster. I'm hungry.

Gingka: Let's get burgers again!

Ryuga: No. We just had burgers yesterday. How about............ HOTDOGS?!


Ryuga: Why, thank you.

Nick: We can discuss food later. And yes. Hotdogs today. For our first question....

DaniellaCakes: Does Gingka like cheeseburgers or hamburgers?

Gingka: I love them both! But I have to choose, I would choose hamburgers! Without pickles.

Ryuga: No one asked if you like pickles or not Gingka.

Gingka: But I was just telling everyone!! I WAS ASKED A QUESTION.

Ryuga: Pickles are still gross as heck. 

Kenta: Ryuga's right. Pickle are gross. 

Nick: Onto the next question.

DaniellaCakes: Who does Ryuga think is the strongest blader in their group?

Ryuga: Hmm... let me think. Oh! I AM! Both L-Drago and I are the best!

Nick: Whispers to Ryuga, " I think she meant OTHER than yourself"

Ryuga: I guess Gingka, since he was able to defeat me. But that doesn't make me weaker than him. I'm still the best blader here.

DaniellaCakes: What is Benkei's old bey called?

Benkei: Mine? It was Heat Leone. Now mine's B-B-B-

Doji: Yes we get it already. It's Dark Bull.

Kyoya: Sorry but I have to agree with Doji on this one.

Benkei: B-B-B-But

Doji: Just shut up.

Nick: Doji! Be nice to Benkei! It was HIS question, not yours. To you too Kyoya.

Doji: To be fair, I'm never nice.

Ryuga: In all seriousness.

Kyoya: Fine. Benkei, just say it already.

Benkei: Thanks Kyoya! My B-B-B-Bey is Dark B-B-B-B-B-Bull!

Madoka: Heat Leone had the Cetus Facebolt. Interesting.

Ryuga: Not really-

Madoka: It has the Leone energy ring and heat light wheel. Cool!

Ryuga: Madoka, you just cut me off mid sent-

Madoka: It has spintrack 125 and a flat sharp performance tip. It's a nice bey.

Ryuga: Now you cut me off mid word!

Madoka: Oh. Sorry, Ryuga.

Ryuga: That's it for Parts of the Beyblade by Madoka Amano today.

Madoka: Thank you everyone!

Nick: Last question of today!

DaniellaCakes: Can Yu say hi to me?

Yu: Yeah, Yeah! Hi ! What's up!

Kenta: Ooh! I wanna say hi too!

Yu: You sure can, Kenchi!

Kenta: Everyone say hi! Hi!

Madoka: Hello!

Gingka: Ooh, ooh, ooh! HI!

Doji: Greetings.

Kyoya: Hello.

Benkei: Hi! I'm B-B-B-Benkei!

Ryuga: Bye.

Nick: Well that's it for today! See you all soon! Don't forget to ask questions to us! And a special thanks to for asking the questions! Thanks for-

Ryuga: BYE.   


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