chapter 14

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Germans pov
To suprise Angie I first took took her to get her nails done because I overheard a conversation where she was telling Vilu she wanted to get them done. While we were driving we were singing thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran. I love the sound of her voice it's always so soft and smooth. About 10 minutes later we got there and I saw a little sparkle in her eyes,she always gets it if she's really happy, and she looked really cute. I also heard that she wants a guitar cause she can play it's just that she doesn't own one so its hard to do it as a hobby. And that she wants it black but with like some sort of design done in it and yesterday I found one and realised it was Maria's guitar cause it had her signature and had a certificate of authenticity. I also remember Maria saying in her will that she wanted Angie to have it and when I got home I found her will and to Angie and put it in the case as I never gave Angie her one as I lost it. So it took like forever to find it but it will probably be worth it. So vilu will bring that to alongside my one. I'm so excited!
A love how did you know I wanted to get my nails done?
The angel herself said snapping me out of my daydream.
G I overheard your conversation with vilu
G come on let's go inside
A ok

1 hour later
An hour later they had still not finished and in the last 20 minutes I went and got her a vanilla milkshake and myself a chocolate milkshake then bought it to her and said
G here I got you a vanilla milkshake
A ok thanks and awwwwwww
G awwwwwww what?
A that you remembered
G well of course I did I'm The German Castillo and I remember things like this

Na will stand for the  manicurest but it means nail artist as I cannot use m for it because that stands for Melody)

Na wow mam you're dating The German Castillo you are very lucky
A I know but I couldn't care less about his money as he's such a down to earth guy who is the best fiancée a girl could wish for then she giggled and kissed my cheek which made me blush and smile
Na wow that was really cute and it looks like we are done
A ahhh ok thank you I absolutely love then (pic in media)
G shall we go to your next suprise
A ok sure but let me grab my drink
Na sir may I ask what makes today so special said the nail artist as Angie came back
G yes it's because today is the day the love of my life,my queen,my sunshine,my angel was born
I saw Angie blushed and she looked so cute
G now my lady shall we finally go to your next suprise?
A we shall....oh and thanks for my nails your amazing
Na no problem you were a very nice customer happy birthday
A,G bye
And with that we got up and left.

Angie's pov
German and I just left the nail salon and now we're heading to......I don't know where as German won't tell me. When 5 minutes later he said
G can you put this blindfold on?
A ok but why?
G so it doesn't ruin the surprise
A but you know I hate surprises
G please for me
A urrggg you just know my weak spot don't you?
G yes I do now put it on
A ok ok take a chill pill
G ha ha so funny
He said as I put on the blindfold
A yeah I know I'm hilarious
As I leaned back with my blindfold on.

Time skip
Around 10 minutes later we got there and then he helped me out of the car and lead me somewhere.
A can I take this off now?
G no just a bit further out Angel
A ok fine
Around 3 minutes later we stopped and then he said
G alright take it off now
Once I took it off I gasped in astonishment cause I could see the whole studio was there and everyone said
Everyone: Happy birthday!
A awwwwwww thanks everyone but who organised this all?
G I well we did
German said behind me then Vilu and Melody both walked up to German and I and Vilu handed German a guitar then Olga and Romallo both came and all five of them handed me a guitar case which probably has a guitar in it.
G go ahead angel see if you like it or not
I unzipped the case and opened it to see a guitar then German said
G angel do you recognize the signature?
I checked the signature and it was Maria's then I found a letter and when I opened it said it was her will to me and she originally wanted me to have her guitar.
A w-wait this is Maria's guitar?
G yes as you can see it has a certificate of authenticity
A tha-thank y-you
V your welcome we searched for hours yesterday trying to find mums will as it was lost in all her stuff
R miss Angie do you mind me asking you if you know why Mrs Maria said you can have her guitar instead of Violetta or something
O Romallo how dare you ask that it's of course because of their sisterly love
A no no it's fine Olga and you are slightly right Olga it's also because I was the one who taught her how to play as I learnt guitar first
A yes and whenever I walked past the music shop I would always see it and one day my parents overheard me talking to Maria about it and then they got mixed up and thought she wanted it as I was already teaching her and I got really sad when I found out but didn't do anything about it so in short I've always wanted this guitar and now I finally have as I can keep it like a memory of her like my ring I got from her when I was ten
V wow Angie did you and my mum ever joke around during those lessons you gave her
A of course and the best part was that your mum was 20 and was being bossed by a 12 year old
V really you were twelve?
A yes and I have a really funny story I would like to tell you all.
Everyone: ok let's hear it!
A ok ok so I was twelve and this was on Maria's 20th birthday and what happened is that Maria challenged me to see who could play the guitar the best and what we did is that I got our guitars while she got all the guests when I came back I handed her the guitar. Then we said we both would play a different song each and then we did and Maria made so many mistakes and it was funny cause she went first then I heard people say "how much better can a twelve year old do" then I got out there and did my best and then we got father to ask everyone who did better so he said "who thinks Angie won?!" Then nearly everyone screamed "Me!" And then father said "right who thinks Maria won!?" Then the room went completely silent so in the end everyone learnt not to underestimate me when it comes down to playing the guitar. And that's how it went.

M so my mummy is basically a super hero musician
G no Mel she's not a super hero....... she's an angel
When he said that he walked up to me and kissed me passionately on the lips. When we broke it I said
A I love you
G I love you too and I have another suprise
A really!?
G yes now Vilu pass me the guitar
Then Vilu gave it to him then he started to sing a song I was not familiar with........

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