chapter 11

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A/n sorry I haven't been updating but I've been revising for my SATS on Monday and I'm soooo nervous. Hope you like my story so far.

Germans pov
Today had been a good day and we called Angelica over and told her the good news. I've been stressing over what to get Angie for her birthday and since Vilu know how to play the guitar we decided to write a song or more like I wrote the lyrics and melody while she taught me how to play the guitar. I only practice when she's out and Melody loves it and if I'm being honest I love playing the guitar nearly as much as the piano so I bought my own guitar which is black and shiny cause I saw one like it in the studio and liked it. I've changed so much and that's all because of Angie and I can't believe she's gonna be my wife but we decided to postpone the wedding so Angie can give birth.

One month later
I was laying in bed with my beautiful angel in my arms as I watched her sleep not in a creepy way but in a loving way. I could see she was starting to fidget so I kissed her forehead and she slowly fluters open her eyes and smiled at me
G good morning babe
A good morning handsome
G so what are we doing today angel
I asked as I caressed her cheek and she snuggled into my chest
A well we have our scan and we will probably find out the gender of the baby otherwise Vilu would kill us and so would Mel
G ok let's get ready then
When we eventually got out of bed we got changed and headed downstairs together to eat breakfast.

Angie's pov
I'm so nervous about the scan but excited as well and German will be there with me so I'll probably be fine. We ate breakfast with everyone when Vilu and Melody asked at the exact same time
V,M are you going to find out the gender?!
Then German put his hand over mine and nodded towards me
A yes otherwise I can tell you two would kill us I said while giggling
V haha very funny

Time skip
We reached the hospital and we were waiting for them to call our names when a nurse came out and said
N Mr and Mrs Castillo?
G that's us
N well then could you please follow me
We nodded and she lead us to a room where we met the doctor and he told me to lay down and put some cold jell on my stomach and placed a little machine on it and moved it around and said
D your baby is completely healthy.....would you like to know the gender?
We nodded
D congratulations you're having a....

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