chapter 10

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German's pov
Angie and I were about to leave but all night I could see other men winking and smiling at her,so I was annoyed by this cause even guys who were with girls were doing it. But if you thought about it, I feel quite lucky since every single guy in this restaurant is staring at MY fiancée.
A my love are you ok?
I hadn't noticed that I was staring directly at her with a huge smile on my face
G yes of course I was just wondering if you had noticed that all the men here have been staring at you and how lucky I am to have the most beautiful women in the world with me tonight
She blushed and looked down to the ground in embarrassment. Seconds later, she looked up and had a slight sparkle in her eyes then spoke
A first of all yes and second of all awwww and third of all I love you so much you know that
G of course and I love you too...would you like to take a walk through the park before we go home?
A yes anything I do with you is a dream come on
G ok let's go
I paid the bill and we walked through the park hand in hand. The way her small hand fit into mine was so cute as she is so small compared to me. We walked in silence but not an awkward one a peaceful one we suddenly she came to a stop.
G what is it my love?
A I need to tell you something
G ok go ahead
A well...I-I a-am pr-pregnant
Once she finished I picked her up by the waist and spun her around and the air filled with laughter. Once I finished I gently placed her on the ground as my eyes started to water because of the excitement.
G omg this is amazing does anyone else know?
A well my mother kind of has a suspicion because I told her about the morning sickness and she told me to take a test and now I know I'm pregnant she giggled slightly at the last part
G can we tell them tomorrow pleaseeeee?
A of course we can as I can tell you're excited cause you're acting like a excited school boy on Christmas Eve she said laughing and so was I and once we calmed down we walked home together and found the house completely silent

The next day

Angie's pov
I woke up to see a smiling German as his arms were around me with one hand on my stomach. I kissed him on the cheek which surprised him I guess he thought I was asleep
G good morning babe
I blushed when he called me 'babe'
A good morning my love should we tell everyone at breakfast?
G omg yes I'm so excited
A I can tell so let's go
Once we pulled ourselves out of bed we got ready for the day and walked downstairs hand in hand. We decided to  wait till everyone finishes and then tell them I was so glad it was the studios break.
G can everyone meet us in the Lounge since you are all finished cause Angie and I have an announcement to make
Everyone followed us to the lounge and sat on one of the couches and German and I on the other
G as you guys just heard we have an announcement should we say it together
A ok......3...2...1
M omg this is amazing I'm gonna be a older sister just like vilu
V ya and I'm sure you'll be a amazing older sister Mel
O ohhhh Mrs Angie that's amazing how many weeks
A 2 weeks Olga...I didn't tell you cause I only found out a few days ago
G I love know that right?
A I love you too...and of course I do
Then he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug and I wrapped my arms around his neck we pulled away when we heard
v,o,r&m awwwwwww
We both laughed and hugged them all and spent the rest of the day talking,laughing,watching movies and singing I enjoyed it quite a lot.

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