"He's kinda taken, and he's becoming a father. I'm not really sure how I fit into that," I sigh, adding butter to my bread. "Besides, I'm not really sure I meant anything to him. Perhaps, Sam lied when she told me, he misses me. I mean why would he tell her that if Kaia is pregnant."

"I don't think she was lying," Maddie says, and I look at her confused with my mouth full of toast. She shows me a picture, and I raise my eyes at her. "The way he's looking at you. If that's not love I don't know what it is," she says, and I study the picture. It was taken in Hollywood. It's one of those that the woman took of us, the one who told us not to let go of love. "And this one here," she says showing me another picture from the beach. "He's definitely infatuated with the person behind the lens and if I'm not mistaken that's you. "There are a ton of these, Lee."

I bite my lip and feel my heart aching for him. "But even if he did love me, it doesn't matter, he's not here anymore." 

As if on cue my door phone buzzes indicating that someone's at the door. "Who's that?" Maddie asks, and I shake my head.

"I dunno. I'm not expecting anyone," I say and walk to the door to pick up the door phone. "Hello."

"Lee." The name instantly makes my heart stop beating for a moment. I can detect that voice from anywhere.

"It's him," I mouth to Maddie and her eyes widen. The excitement is evident on her face, and goosebumps arise on my skin, I don't know what it is that he wants, but I'm not sure I'm prepared for it.

"Lee," he repeats as if afraid that I have left.

"I'm here, Harry,"I say staring at my fingers trying to comprehend what is going on.

"Can we talk?" He asks, and I gulp biting my lip. What is there to say? "Please," he adds when I don't answer immediately.

"Okay. Just give me five, and I'll come down," I say and hang up.

"What was that about?" Maddie asks.

"He wants to talk, told him I'd come down. God, Maddie I'm not sure I can handle seeing him again."

"You'll be fine. Go get dressed. Don't think about me, I'll clean this up and lock myself out."

"Thank you," I say feeling bad for abandoning her out of the blue. I go to my room and strip out of my clothes. Clearly leaving the apartment in hot pants in June wouldn't be a good idea. I put on a thong, and throw on a pair of boyfriend jeans. I find a clean bra that matches the thong. God why am I even thinking of putting on matching underwear right now? I put on a tee, a black sweater and socks and head for the bathroom to clean my teeth. Did I even brush my teeth last night? I put on some deodorant and place my hair in a ponytail and then I find Maddie in the kitchen. "Thanks again, love," I say, and give Maddie a cuddle.

"Good luck," she says, and I head towards the door not sure I'm ready for this, but at the same time I'm eager to see him. I put on a leather jacket and a pair of Nikes and leave the apartment.

I clutch my hands as I walk down the stairs and take a deep breath as I make my way out the door.

"Hi," he says with his hands in his jean pockets. He's wearing jeans. I don't know why I'm paying so much attention to that, but I always loved when he'd wear a simple pair of jeans instead of his dress pants.

"Hi," I say crossing my arms. The hostility radiating off me is making us both uncomfortable, but I don't know what to say or do around him anymore. He fucking broke my heart, and here he is walking right back into my life and all I can think about is how good he's looking in a pair of jeans. I look up and my eyes meet his. I have a thousand questions running through my mind and I open my mouth ready to speak, but no words leave my mouth. "How you going?" I ask and want to mentally slap myself for asking that question. In all honesty, I don't really care about how he is. I motion for us to head towards the beach and he follows me.

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