004 - Sasha Martinez

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"Dad? You said you were single! Where's your wife?" She asks angrily.

"She was killed three years ago!"

"I didn't know you had kids! And kids that old? How old are you?"

"Petunia! Wait!"

The woman leaves the house slamming the door.

Dad stands up shirtless with nothing but his pants on. His eyes are full of shame.


"Dad, we're thirty minutes early." Garroth answers.

"I SAID COME HOME EARLY. NOT TOO EARLY." He starts breaking wine bottles as if they're bottles of anger.

All of us have shock plastered in our faces. It wasn't like our Dad to get mad at something so petty. I don't even see him as my father anymore.

We go up to our rooms before dad gets angrier. I don't want to be in this house right now. I just want to run away into a loving family. But I'm greatful to have my brothers.

I change into my F/C hoodie, my platformed boots, and skinny jeans. I put on my cap and sneak out through the window. I really don't want to deal with dad right now.

As I walk down the sidewalk, I see Sasha still in her uniform as she waves at me.


"Hey Sasha." Dangit. I don't want to get in trouble right now. Oh well I guess I gotta talk to her.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"To the cafe." I lie.

I was really going to Laurence's house.

"Oh cool may I tag along?" She asks.

I couldn't think of a good excuse quick enough. Right now, I just want to be with my best friend, not some delinquent.

"Alright." I say.

"Wait let me go home first. My back is killing me! hehe." She says.

"Where do you live anyways?" I ask.

Sasha points to the house next to mine. Oh crap.

"You live there now?" I ask in a monotone voice.

"Yeah I'll be quick."

She wasn't lying. It took her three minutes to change. She wore an edgy band t-shirt and black jeans with chains.

"Ugh damn I could hear screaming in my room. That happens almost every week! I hate it. We've complained about the screaming before but that did nothing."

"Sorry about my dad." I say carelessly.

"Your what?"

Crap! Darn my apologetic mind.

"That guy screaming, that's my dad. I guess we're neighbours." I say.

I notice Sasha wears a slightly amused expression.

"What the hell is wrong with your old man?" She asks.

"I don't know..."

]Time Skip[

We start walking to the cafe. The walk was long and time consuming when in reality, it was a five minute walk.

'What if she spreads rumours? What if she hurts my dad? What if she's judging me? What if she'll tell Laurence?'

"Are you going through something?" Sasha says with a genuinely concerned look on her face.

"No." I lie

"How long has this been going on?"

"About three years."


Sasha looks at me with pity. I continue looking down uncomfortable about talking about my dad. Its like my head got heavier and gravity made it harder for me to look happy.

"Y/N, you can stay at my place if things get serious. It's gonna be fine with my parents. My mom adores you and my dad doesn't care."

"Thanks Sasha. But I'll pass."

We go to the cafe, have a chat, drink some coffee. I let her do most of the talking. I have to be careful around her.

"Hey, do you and Zane wanna come over tomorrow night? Gene and Zenix are coming over to hang out. Maybe you can join."

Come on Y/N! Think of a lie.

"I have witchcraft practice every night with Lucinda starting tomorrow." Horrible lie.

"Aw man! I bet Lucinda made you since Vylad tutors her in exchange for witchcraft tutoring."

Huh? How does she know?

"Yeah Vylad made me join him. How do you know that?"

"I'm friends with Lucinda."

I'm so screwed.

My Older Brothers Best Friend « Laurence Zvahl X Reader »Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang