"What the?" He mutters, clearly confused because if he remembered correctly, his cousin's hair color was a light shade of golden-brown when they video-chatted the other day, not black.


The stranger shifts, moving his body upwards and he gapes.

"Luhan hyung?!"

"That's a guy?" Yixing pipes up and he nods, getting a look from the younger.

"But he's pretty. Too pretty."

"Yeah." A smile graces his lips, not even arguing over the fact that his cousin's beauty could bring shame to millions of women.

"Why is Sehun staring at him?" Yixing questions him again and he would have been pissed off by now if he wasn't curious himself.

"Yeah," He eyes Sehun's blank expression, the latters eyes never leaving his cousin's sleeping face. "I wonder."

Ugh, when is he going to wake up?

Sehun leans his head on the driver's seat, turning his head to his right where a sleeping bambi is still peacefully resting.

He unknowingly sighs.

He had already memorized everything there is to see inside his Junmyeon hyung's car from all the amount of waiting he had done, and there's still not a single sign of Luhan waking up from his long, he means legit long, nap.

He doesn't even know why he's here, wasting his time watching a person he isn't familiar with, sleep—well, not that he was watching Luhan, psh—when he could be out there drinking bubble tea and jamming to some sick music by himself.

"I'm bored the fuck out here and you're just there sleeping like a child."

Sehun swore he saw a smirk somewhere in that pretty lips.


Pretty? Since when did I find other people's lips pretty?

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