『I : Escaping Destiny』

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A/N: It's Kuu here , and thank you for supporting my stories , here's my third story , an Omegaverse , with the same OCs as my first story ; Princess of Crows [Haikyuu x Kuudere].

But since this story took place and time in the old part of the history, this story have no relation with volleyballs.

So for those who want to , you can check out my first story to know my OCs better.But don't worry for those who don't want to, 'cause i'll explain about them later in the story.




"There it is!"

A man's voice gained the whole army's attention , immediately rushing to the spot the man marked.

A creature hid behind a big fallen tree trunk , calming it's breath , but soon it's breath hitched as an arrow landed next to it's head , making it grunted as it tried to run as fast as it can , leaving the dark creepy forest and the army-350 men heavy full-armored, with swords.

"Search more carefully! We cannot let it escape!"

The army busily searching in the forest , as the creature sighed in relief as it saw sunlight , guiding it to a safe bright place.

The yelling of the soldiers in the forest woke the creature from it's mind , and it rushed to the light.


The sun's shining brightly , as a furry four legged creature run on a field , it's unusual blue-green coloured fur shone under the sunlight , gaining some unwanted attentions from forest animals and probably....other creatures.

The creature's pace slowing as it reached a calm forest , not as dark as before , as sunlight penetrates through the trees and leaves.

It suddenly fall to the ground near a giant tree , and the wind breeze immediately made the creature fell asleep.


"Psh..! What are you doing?!" A short male screeches.He swatted his 'partner's hand from his shoulder , frightened at the taller one's sudden grip on his shoulder.

"Oh Shut up , Dumbass! I was just tapping on your shoulder! Are you that scared?!" The taller one hissed , but the shorter male flinched."Of course not! Anyway , Wh-Humph!" The tall ravenette slammed his hand at the orange shortie male , but before the shortie could protest , the ravenette pointed at a huge tree , with little birds perched on the branches.

The shortie squinted his eyes the very common sight , and raised an eyebrow at the ravenette.

"Did you never seen a tree before?"

The ravenette popped a vein💢.

"Of course no , damnit.Look closely..that thing behind the bushes!" The ravenette whisper yelled , pointing at a fur tail , slightly moving behind the bushes.But what's different , is the colour.

"A-A tail...? A green tail ?!" The shortie screeches , and the ravenette needed to slam his hand back to his mouth.

"It's turquoise , stupid,"



"Oh? Ehh...Hey , let's see it! Probably a fox?"

Haikyuu Omegaverse AU  [Haikyuu x Kuudere]《DISCONTINUED 》Where stories live. Discover now