Campbell (Imagine)

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Campbell and I started dating a little over two weeks before our entire town disappeared. I don't know why but Campbell and I just click somehow. I trust him, he's kind, loving, funny, and somehow he understands me better than anyone.

It's been three weeks since our little community of teenagers have been trying trying to piece together a decent society. And I've actually enjoyed it because it given me the opportunity to become friends with a lot of people I wouldn't have thought to be friends with.

It was Tuesday and Campbell was out doing god knows what at Harry's house. I was over at Allie's house hanging out with Will, Luke, Grizz, and Jason.

"So, movie night is obviously on Friday again," Jason spoke up. "What's playing? Cause if it's some lame romcom I'm staying home."

I chuckled, "I think it's The Blindside?" I looked at Will for clarification and he nodded. "Yeah it's The Blindeside."

Jason scoffed, "okay no not a damn chance."

"Hey you said you wouldn't go if it was a romcom!" I argued playfully walking to the fridge. "The Blindside isn't a romcom!"

"Yeah but that shits sad as hell, I cried through it once I'm not doing it again," Jason admitted.

Luke busted out laughing from across the room, "no now you have to go. I wanna see you sobbing like a baby, Jason," he joked as Jason sent him a harsh glare.

   I grabbed a juice box from the fridge and walked back over to the couch, taking a seat next to Grizz. Grizz is actually the only one here that I've been close to for over a year.

   I leaned my back against the arm rest of the couch and then put my legs across Grizz's lap. I poked the hole in my juice box with the straw and took a sip.

   Grizz let out a small laugh.

   "May I help you?" I asked sassily.

   "No, I just think it's funny that the fridge is filled with alcohol and you choose the most childish drink," he remarked shaking his head with a smile.

   "That's because I'm too innocent for alcohol," I chuckled.

Jason scoffed, "you're dating Campbell. I don't know how innocent you can really be cause I know he's into some freaky shit."

I gasped and flipped him off, "fuck you, asshole."

We all busted our laughing and just then Campbell walked in the house.

The room got quite and Campbell looked around suspiciously, taking note of my legs resting on Grizz and my almost silent laughter at Jason from his previous comment.

"Y/N, it's time to go home. Let's go," he said in a low voice. "Now." This time it came out as a harsh growl.

The guys looked at me worriedly, especially Will and Grizz. Jason and Luke looked more mad at Campbell for how he was acting.

I slowly removed my legs from Grizz's lap and stood up off the couch. Grizz grabbed my arm lightly before I walked away.

He didn't say anything but you could tell he was trying to ask if I was going to be okay. I pursued my lips and nodded slightly before making my way over to Campbell.

"See you guys later." I tried my best to smile without looking nervous.

The guys said a quiet goodbye and then Campbell and I were headed out the door.

The second we were out of sight from the guys Campbell grabbed my arm harshly and dragged me to the car.

When we got back home Campbell lost it.

"What the fuck were you doing over there?" His voice was almost oddly calm. He wasn't yelling but you could tell he was really pissed off with me.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Don't play dumb with me, Y/N," he spat. "It was you alone with four guys you barely know, laughing your asses off while you were cuddled up to Grizz."

"I-I've know Grizz for almost two years, Campbell. And we were doing anything we were just talking and hanging out," I told him quietly. "I figured it would be fine since you were out with Harry."

Campbell laughed harshly, "whatever, Y/N. You know, I thought I could trust you but now I'm not so sure."

   I grabbed his hand gently and looked at him intently, "Campbell, you can trust me. I swear they're just friends to me, okay?" I said. "Why is this bugging you so much?"

   He groaned and sat down on our bed, staring at the floor.

   "I don't want to lose you," he said almost inaudibly.


   This time he looked up at me to say it, "I don't want to lose you, Y/N. You're the only one who understands me and loves me for who I am and I need you in my life."

   "Baby," I laughed softly as I sat next to him. "You're not gonna lose me, alright? I love you with my whole heart, so you don't need to get jealous when I'm around other guys because I only want you," I assured him.

   I wrapped my arm around him pulling him in for a hug.

He buried his head into my shoulder and mumbled, "are you sure?"

"I promise, Campbell," I said kissing the top of his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2019 ⏰

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