Harry (Imagine)

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   I sat in the living room of Allie's house when suddenly Jason came barging through the door with Grizz behind him.

   "Have you seen Allie?" Jason asked me when he noticed I was in the house.

   I thought for a moment, "she should be in her room? Why?"

   Jason sighed with frustration, "Harry's going through some depression thing right now. Won't eat, won't leave his room, won't go to work," he explained. "I gotta get Allie to go straighten him out."

   I stood up quickly, "wait!"

   Jason and Grizz looked at me weirdly.

   "Let me go before Allie does, I might be able to get through to him easier," I said.

   Grizz shook his head sternly, "Y/N, I don't think that's a good idea. You haven't talked to him in a week and going now when he's in a mood doesn't seem so smart."

   "I'm going. Don't tell Allie about this until I get back. Got it?"

   "Y/N don—" Grizz started.

   "Got it, Gareth?" I hissed at him using his real name.

   "Got it."

   Just as I left I heard Jason say to Grizz, "you're sisters scary dude."


   I got to Harry's house in five minutes and I quickly ran up to his bedroom, letting myself in without bothering to knock.

   I walked over to his bed and saw him curled up in the sheets.

   "Well you look like shit," I spoke up.

   Harry turned over and looked at me, "thanks. What the fuck do you want?"

   I sat on the edge of his bed, "to help you out before Allie comes over here and decides to take your rations," I said seriously.

   "She can go fuck herself for all I care. I'm staying here," Harry mumbled closing his eyes and turning to face away from me.

"No. You're not." I tore the cover off of his bed and opened the curtains letting the bright sunlight into Harry's room. He hissed as the light hit his face. "Now you gonna tell me what's wrong?"

"Just fuck off, Y/N. Why do you even care?" He muttered at me, shoving his face in a pillow.

I scoffed, "oh I don't know because we've only been dating for two years and despite what you may think I still love you?" I sat next to him on his bed and gently dragged my hand through his hair. "Please, Harry, tell me what's wrong."

Harry looked at me slightly, "everything, Y/N. What's not wrong with the situation we're in right now?"

I rose my eyebrow at him, "you mean what Allies doing with our community?"

"Basically," he huffed.

I sighed and then grabbed his arms and pulled him so he was sitting upright to face me.

"Do you remember that time when my parents were first getting divorced and how upset I was?" I asked.

He thought for a moment, "yeah, why?"

"Do you remember what you told me?"

Harry shook his head confused.

"You told me that things don't always work out in our favour; but sometimes the outcome we get is for the good of everyone, not just ourself," I reminded him. "And that's what happening right now. Yeah sure, the work shifts Allie makes us do aren't the best or easiest thing to do everyday, but it gets things done. The curfew and all the other rules, those keep us safe and they keep us together to prevent harm and chaos."

"Yeah yeah whatever, Y/N. Are we done now?" He mumbled.

I grabbed his face in my hands and ran my thumbs over his cheeks, "I know you're putting on a tough act right now, Harry. You don't have to do that around me, okay? Just talk to me."

I stared intently into his eyes and watched as they filled with tears.

I pulled him into a hug and let him cry into my shoulder. This was rare with Harry. He rarely ever cries. I think he learned it from his dad. Harry acts like nothing bothers him, like he isn't a sensitive person; and sometimes that comes in handy because he can be stronger than me in certain situations, but it takes a toll on him every once in a while. Like right now.

"Harry, babe, look at me," I whispered pulling his head away from my shoulder. "I love you with every bit of my heart, you know that. I don't care if we haven't spoken in a week because of a petty argument, if you need to talk I'm here. I'll always be here."

"I wanna go home," he said in an almost inaudible voice. "I just wanna go home," his voice cracked this time.

"I know, baby, me too," I admitted. "But for now, until we find our way home, the only home we have is you and me so let's just keep that up okay?"

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