Nocte Intermissa

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This fic brought to you by the fact that I have no impulse control and a deep, abiding love for that good whump. Thankfully it's a one-shot so I can get back to my other fics, right? :D

Update: it is no longer a one shot. I thought I would knock this out in a weekend, it's now over 60 pages, I've been working on this for the last month and idk why I lie to myself like this anymore (:

Also I'm sorry in advance for what I did to Rin :D

Chapter Text

"Hey, you two love-birds! I need to borrow Rin for a minute."

Amaimon scowled as the call from Shura made Rin leave his arms, an apologetic smile on his face.

Once again his night and his fun had been interrupted.

But, he shivered, both from the cold and the anticipation of finally getting what he'd been building towards, Samael was waiting for them.

The thought of what he had to look forward to had him drawing his tongue over wind-chapped lips, shooting another glare at the dark parking lot he waited in under the streetlamp outside Rin's dorm.

Could he have waited inside? Probably, but that would have meant being stuck in the same room as that twin again- and a drunk Shura, who was an irredeemably loud drunk.

He summoned one of the handmade chocolates Rin had made him for his gift, letting the sweet flavour distract him and give him something to do while he waited.

Of course, his eyes narrowed at the memory, they tasted so much better melting in Rin's mouth, but he would have plenty of time to savor that particular treat at a later point.

Another gust of winter wind cut through his thin sweater. He plucked at the black fabric, fighting the urge to tug it further down over his thighs, seeing as that would hardly help in keeping him warm.

Not for the first time in his long life, Amaimon wondered what it would have been like to have been king of fire and not earth. Iblis certainly didn't have any problems keeping warm in even the coldest corners of Gehenna and Assiah.

Of course, having Rin next to him was nearly as good, the thought of which made him shift in place, irritation building at Rin's absence.

Amaimon wasn't known for his patience.

What gift could Shura possibly have for Rin that could take such a long time? It had been half an hour by now, judging by the rotation of Assiah through the spatial plane.

Was he still expected to play by human rules? He'd behaved all night, surely Rin wouldn't be too upset if he appeared and interrupted whatever was keeping him?

Well, Amaimon narrowed his eyes further, squinting up at the building Rin had disappeared into, he would be making it up to him soon anyway, if he did get upset.

A toothy grin split across his face, fangs itching to extend in his mouth, his real gift for Rin was still on its way, though Rin had liked the other he'd gotten for him well enough. Amaimon brushed his thumb over his jaw, echoing where the ghost of one of Rin's rewarding kisses had landed.

He'd worry about consequences later, giving up on controlling his impulses for the night. Amaimon was bored with pretending to be human.

No sooner had the thought crossed his mind than Amaimon vanished from under the streetlamp, appearing in the entryway to the dorm and out of the cold, finally.

Shivers went through his body before he adjusted to the temperature change and tried to guess where Rin was. A careful sniff told him Rin had been somewhere on the first floor recently, so Amaimon headed to the kitchen, assuming he could pick up the trail from there.

The Long Night A Blue Exorcist Fanfic RinxAmaimonxMephistoWhere stories live. Discover now