- Lucky, hn. – the blond said.

She looked at him and narrowed her eyes and immediately started doing hand signs.

- Suiton: Mizurappa! – she said.

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She ran to them but was only interested in attacking the blond guy.

- Raikiri. – she whispered.

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Saori was about to stab the blond guy in the heart when something got in the way, she widened her eyes in shock......it seemed like an armor but at the same time the tail of a scorpion.
She looked to the side, it was his partner who protected him, the guy suddenly tried to attack her with that tail.
She immediately dodged carefully, when suddenly she almost got hit and realize that the end of that tail had poison.
Saori immediately jumped some feet back from them.

- Enough, you're coming with us. I'm done waiting. – the guy said.

He was about to attack when she said.


He stopped.

- What? – he asked.

- A-Ask him for more time. – she said.

- What do you mean, hn? – the blond asked.

- Tell you leader to give me more time to think. I didn't have time to do that. – she said.

- Fine, hn. – the blond said.

- But next time, if you say no...we'll hurt the people you love. – the guy said.

She got serious.

- We'll meet again. – the guy said.

- Tch, we'll be waiting, hn. – the blond said.

With that they left.
She fell to the ground................she looked at the side of her leg....she knew it...that's why she tell them to wait and asked for time.
The moment Saori realized that the tail had poison she decided to stop because she realized she had been hit even though it was just a scratch.

Uchiha Saori - Itachi Love StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant