Rvb S11 E9 "A House Divided, Then Multiplied"

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

Sarge: It brings a tear to my eye seeing him bravely go toe-to-toe with those dirty blues! But he'll be no match for them, not when they have more knowledge over us! Like, did they know about all the Freelancers from the beginning?

Grif: Sarge.

Sarge: And what about Church? For years they told us he was a ghost, but then he was an ancient artifact or something and there were aliens involved I don't know. Sometimes I wonder just how deep this rabbit hole goes.

Grif: Stop.

Sarge: It's almost like all of this is some sort of sick game!

Sarge randomly stares off in a direction, while Grif and Lopez 2.0 just awkwardly watch him.

Grif: ...This conversation is starting to get a little meta.

Sarge: You're right. You think he was in on it too?

Grif: I think you're jumping to conclusions.

Sarge: And I conclude you need to shut your mouth and move your feet!

Grif: What are you gonna do?

Sarge starts walking over to the side of Red Base, where a Warthog is parked.

Sarge: We've got to give my boy some backup. That's why we're going to do the Reds' signature Blood Gulch maneuver.

Grif: Huhhh, oh no.

Lopez 2.0: >It makes me happy knowing you're ignored just as much as I am around here.<

Blue Base
Outside of Blue Base, Caboose, Wade, Zeta, Tucker are all looking at Freckles.

Caboose: Okay Freckles, roll over!

Freckles rotates his upper body 360 degrees as everyone watches.

Freckles: {Objective complete.}

Wade: Pretty sure that's cheating.

In the distance, Simmons walks out onto Blue Base platform and stands at the edge.

Simmons (Distance): Hey Tucker!

Tucker: What!

Simmons (Distance): Do you have any idea when Wash is getting back? I have some suggestions regarding the upkeep of Blue Base.

Tucker: I don't know and I don't care!

Simmons (Distance): Well I got two words for you buddy: chore wheel.

Tucker: And I've got two words for you. How 'bout fuck off?

Simmons (Distance): Just think about it. Wheel of chores.

Simmons walks back inside the base.

Tucker: I hate my life.

Zeta looks off to the side.

Zeta: Think your gonna hate it more sooner.

Wash (Distance): You three!

Tucker: You know what, I take it back, I hate everyone else's lives. Wish they didn't have 'em.

Zeta: Your starting to sound like Church a bit there.

Tucker: Oh God, your right! I think I'm turning into him!

Wade: That's just what we need, another Church.

Wash walks up to Tucker, Wade and Zeta.

Red vs Blue Season 11: Male Ocजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें