the clingy baby™

158 7 18

so basically a continuation of he previous chapter, when sanha got upset and is clinging onto moonbin so yea

"Sanha, just let me get the dOOR-" Moonbin tried to get up with Sanha clinging on to him but he only got as far as a foot of the couch, before he tripped --with Sanha still clinging to him. He treid nudging him off, but no avail. His clingyness is no joke. He finally managed to stand up, and tried dragging Sanha along, but he just got pulled back towards Sanha.

"If you let me answer the door I'll make Eunwoo buy you ice cream for a week." This seemed to spark something in Sanha, he quickly got up --still clinging to Moonbin-- and practically dragged Moonbin this time. Sanha was in high spirits, unlike Eunwoo who heard Moonbin sacrifice him to cheer Sanha up.

After what felt like centuries, the door was opened. Instead of being abls to get Sanha to seperate from Moonbin, he was instead clinged onto because "Moonbin is annoying." Which left Moonbin to pout alone off to the side.

Moonbin heard Sanha and Eunwoo giggling, and just sulked more, he wanted Eunwoo's attention too. He didn't think much of the giggling, until he got tACklEd. now Eunwoo was clinging onto him while Sanha was cackling like a banshee because of the face Moonbin made. He laughed so hard he started to choke. (whatta a dumbass-- i mean what)
Eunwoo being the only smart one, got up to get him a glass of water. Moonbin just ridiculed him, "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET DUMBASS."



bOom. chAoS

so yea this sucks tytyty

not proof read (lmfao sorry I'm lazy)

uhh word count: 250+

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