Babysitting (JM)

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Requested by:  @brittanyrenne2004
I hope you like it!

Oh, just a heads up, Emma is your best friend's name in this story. You can change it if you want to.

I smile when I hear the front door open and the voice of my boyfriend "Y/n?". I stand up from the sofa to greet him. "That's me" I reply. He smiles, then takes my hand before leading me back into the living room "James, what are you…" I start to ask, but he interrupts me as he pulls me closer to him "So, Anne-Marie just text me, asking for us to look after Brandon. I said we would, is that okay?". I nod "Of course". He kisses me on the lips quickly "Thank you". He goes to sit down, but I don't let him. "Woah… where is my after work hug?" I pout. He chuckles before wrapping his arms around my waist "Sorry, love". He pulls me closer, letting me bury my face in his chest. I feel him kiss my head and I sigh. "How was your day?" He asks. I shrug "I wouldn't know, I spent it with Emma". He chuckles "Aw, I'm sorry, love. If you'd have told me, I would've come to save you". I smile as I look up at him. He then leads me to the sofa.

I cuddle up to him as he puts his arm around me. When we get settled, I sigh as I start to draw on his arm with my finger. He hums "What're you thinking about, love?". I shrug, then rest my head on his chest "Nothing". "Well, you've gone rather quiet, you're drawing on me. Two signs that you have something on your mind, that you want to talk about … but, you also don't want to talk about" He replies. I sigh "Am I too young for you?". He furrows his eyebrows "What?". I frown "Do you think I'm not good enough for you? Your fans seem to think so". He sighs before sitting up "Y/n, we've been over this. I think you are too good for me. I told you to stop reading those comments". "I wasn't reading them… It was just a thought I had" I explain. He kisses my shoulder softly "Y/n, I love you. Those comments aren't true. They are just people with nothing better to do. I love you so much, and there's no one I'd rather be with". I nod "Okay, I love you too".

The next day

I am so nervous about looking after Brandon today. A whole day, looking after a child. I don't have that kind of responsibility! I mean, James will be there, but still. I've never really done it properly before. I jump slightly when the door goes. "I'll get it!" James calls out, then I hear the door open and the sound of people greeting each other. I take a breath before heading downstairs. I stand next to James. "Thank you so much for this" Anne-Marie says. I shrug "It's no problem". She smiles "Good, I better go now. If you need anything, just call". We say our goodbyes, and she leaves us with Brandon. James takes him to the sofa. This is going to be a long day…


"Y/n, can I have some juice please?" Brandon asks. I nod "Yeah, sure". James is upstairs while I'm with Brandon in the kitchen. "What would you like? We have orange juice" I offer. He shrugs. I purse my lips, then smiled slightly "Or, we have lemonade". He frowns "Mum says I'm not allowed fizzy juice". I chuckle "Well, she won't know if we don't tell her" I reply. He laughs "You're funny". I smile as I pour him some juice. I give it to him, then sit across from him. He takes a sip of it "Thank you, y/n". I shrug "No problem". That's when James appears from the living room. "What are you two up to?" He questions. "We were just talking" I reply. He nods "Alright. Well, I've been called in for work. There's some problem with the re-shoots". My eyes widen slightly, then I lead him into the living room "James, you can't leave me alone with him". "What, why not?" He asks. "I don't know what to do with him" I reply. He chuckles "Y/n, you'll be fine. Just talk to him, entertain him... and, keep him alive". I sigh "Fine". He smiles as he pulls me closer to him, then squeezes my hand lightly "You'll be fine, I shouldn't be long". I nod "Okay". He kisses my cheek, then goes to say goodbye to Brandon. I sigh, I already know this isn't going to go well.

"Brandon, lunch is ready!" I call, but I don't get an answer. I go through to the living room to see he's not where I left him. I feel my heart stop momentarily "Brandon?". I go upstairs to check the bathroom, not there. I check the bedrooms, not there either. "Brandon! Please don't hide from me. Come out now, please" my breath hitches. I run back downstairs to the conservatory and check the garden. That's when I start to panic. Where did he go? I left him watching TV two minutes ago. Oh my god, I am the worst babysitter ever! Who loses a kid?! I can feel the panic rise in my stomach. I pick up the phone to call Emma, luckily she picks up. I take a breath "Emma, Brandon is gone. I can't find him anywhere. I lost him, I don't know what to do". "Y/n, calm down. I'm sure he's fine, I'll come to help you look for him" She replies.

When she arrives, she questions me "What do you mean he's gone?". I sigh "I mean that he's gone. I don't know where he is". She nods "Okay, calm down. I'm sure he won't have gone far". We head out the front door and start with the park.

We enter the gates. "Okay, I'll go this way. You go that way, then we'll meet back here" She tells me. I nod "Okay". We then split up and I start in the direction of the play park. I check the football pitches, the public toilets, the ice cream shop, nothing. So, I head back to the gates. "Anything?" I ask Emma. She shakes her head "No, but there are other places he could be". We exit the gates, then go into town. We check shops, cafes, everywhere… and the whole time I was thinking, what the hell am I going to tell James?


We have looked everywhere, and I mean everywhere. We go back to the house and I start to have a panic attack. "Emi, what am I going to tell James? I lost his kid. What am I going to do? He's never going to trust me with anything ever again. Emi, he's going to leave me" I cry. She sighs "Hey, don't say that. James will never leave you, no matter what you do. Just calm down, Brandon will be somewhere". I take a slow breath, and that's when the front door opens. James is back. My breathing starts to become irregular and my heart rate begins to speed up. My chest rises and falls quickly as James walks in. He immediately notices my jagged breathing "Y/n? What's wrong?". Emma helps me up, then whispers to me "Talk to him, y/n. Everything will be fine, just explain what happened". Then she leaves us alone.

"Y/n, what's going on?" He asks. As soon as those words leave his mouth, I burst out crying, causing him to quickly walk over to me. Then pulls me into his chest "Shh, it's okay. Just breathe, what's wrong, hm?". My heart beats so fast I swear he can feel it. I sob into his chest as he rubs my back soothingly. He pulls away slightly "Hey, what's going on? Just tell me". He takes my hand, then softly presses his lips to the back of it. I look at the floor and sigh "I'm so sorry, James. I lost him, I lost Brandon". I look at him to see his furrowed eyebrows "What? What do you mean?". I sob shakily "Well, he's not here, is he?". He sighs, then smiles slightly "Y/n, first you need to calm down. Then you need to turn around". "What?" I question. He chuckles "Turn around". I do as told and see Brandon sitting there with a huge cheeky smile on his face. "Okay, where have you been all day?" I ask. He laughs "I was hiding". I put a hand on my heart, then turn back to James. "That was your idea, wasn't it?" I accuse. He holds his hands up, shaking his head "I had nothing to do with it. Brandon, say you're sorry". "I'm sorry y/n, I didn't mean to panic you" He apologizes. I sigh "It's okay, just please never do it again". He nods and hugs me. I gasp, then look at James. He chuckles, giving me a thumbs up.

After Anne-Marie came to pick Brandon up, James turns to me. "Y/n, why did you panic so much when you thought you lost Brandon?" He asks as we sit on the sofa. I shrug "You asked me to look after him". He nods, rubbing his bearded chin "Yes, but you were having a panic attack when I came in". I frown "James, I lost your kid. Both you and Anne-Marie trusted me to look after him for a day, and I lost him. What was I supposed to tell you? You'd never trust me with anything again. I thought you would leave me". He takes my hand "Nothing will ever make me want to leave you, y/n. Yes, we trusted you and we don't regret it. Although you didn't lose him, you still went everywhere to find him, we appreciate it. You just need to remember for next time, he's a boy with half of my genetics. Nothing will be smooth running when looking after him". I smile slightly "Thanks, Jamie". He gently kisses my head without a word. Then we lie down before cuddling. He pulls me closer so I can rest my head on his chest as he wraps his arms securely around me. Just before I close my eyes to go to sleep, I hear him whisper

"I love you, y/n"

"Love you too, Jamie" I mumble into his chest before falling asleep to the soothing rhythm of his heartbeat.
Hey guys, I hope you liked this one. Please, keep requesting!

- Bluewolf

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