Jealous (JM)

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I let out a sigh when I see the picture. It took ages to scroll through the internet, but I finally found it. The picture that everyone keeps telling me about. In the picture, James is kissing someone who isn't me. I almost drop my phone from my hands shaking, so I put it on the table in front of me. I know James would never do anything like that to me, it's an old picture, but it still hurts. I feel a burning sensation of jealousy in my chest. I feel like I've just been stabbed. I soon unexpectedly start crying, I didn't realize I had tears running down my cheeks until now. I know James will be home soon, so I quickly rush upstairs and go into the bedroom. I lie face-first on my pillow, letting my tears out. I know the picture isn't real, that is James's ex-girlfriend from before I met him, but it still hurts to see it. Seeing it just makes me want to rip her head off out of jealousy and I'm only jealous because it's James she's kissing.

For the next few hours, I just lay in my bed, staring at the wall. Or, more like glaring at it, as if the wall kissed him. I want to throw something at it and what makes it worse is that James is late. He was supposed to be back an hour ago. Okay, I'm getting restless and paranoid, James needs to come home.

It's not too much longer before I hear my boyfriend's Scottish voice echo from downstairs. "Y/n?" He calls. I don't answer him, I'm afraid I might say something I will regret. He repeats my name two or three times before coming upstairs into our room. "Hey, you okay?" He asks as he sits on the edge of the bed beside me. I nod silently. He chuckles "that means you're not okay, so what's wrong?". I sigh but still don't answer him. He furrows his eyebrows "y/n?". He moves closer to me, cupping my cheek with his hand softly. He rubs his thumb gently across my cheek. "Are you sick or something?" He asks. I shake my head. His expression changes to confusion as he thinks about what could be wrong. He looks at my face, probably seeing the tear stains now. I watch his eyes widen as the realisation hits him. "You saw the picture" he sighs. I nod slightly in response. "Y/n, it's not true..." he starts. I nod again "I know". He furrows his eyebrows "then why are you upset?". I sigh, frowning as I cross my arms over my chest. I see a small smirk slowly appear on his lips "Y/n... are you jealous?".

I glare at him "no I'm not, you are". He chuckles at my attempt to cover it up. He takes my hand, pulling me to sit up next to him. I look at him and sigh "I knew the picture wasn't real, but it made me jealous because it's still you in it. It doesn't matter if it's an old picture or not. I'm scared of you leaving me for someone else. I... don't want to lose you". He smiles slightly "well, lucky for you, I don't think you have anything to worry about, because you are the only one I want to be with". I smile slightly "really?". He nods chuckling "why do you think I've put up with you this long?".

I sigh holding out my arms, signifying for a hug. He smiles lightly "come on then". He motions for me to lay down, so I do and he joins me. Wrapping his arm around my waist, he puts his other arm under my head, letting me rest on his shoulder. I place my hand on his chest and we stay like that. We just talk about random things until a question comes to mind. "Jamie" I start. He hums in response as he presses his lips against my temple gently. "Do you think if you had the chance, you would cheat on me?" I ask. He raises an eyebrow "no, of course not. Why, do you think I would?". I shake my head "what if it was someone better looking than me?". He smirks "well, that's easy... I wouldn't, because no one could even compare to you". I couldn't hide the red in my cheeks but I just ignore it "Okay, what if she was closer to your age?". He chuckles "no thanks, they are always too boring". I nod "what if she was an alien from some planet that no one knows about. Bleach blonde hair, blue eyes, tanned skin". He chuckles again "okay, then I might leave you". I pout as I punch his arm. He laughs "I'm kidding, it would be like dating Barbie".

This goes on for about half an hour. He keeps teasing me, joking that he would leave me, which just makes me jealous all over again. I go quiet as I bury my face into his shoulder. He sighs "y/n, you know I'm only joking, I wouldn't leave you for the world, enough with the game, I'm getting bored and it's only making you jealous". I nod "okay".

He kisses my head softly, letting his lips linger for a second. "You know, I'm not going to leave you, y/n. I love you" he says. I smile slightly as I look at him "I love you too".

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