Baby (JM)

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Requested by Writer-For-Fandoms hope you like it!

I push the key into the keyhole and twist it to the left. Then I take it out before quietly opening the door. I step inside the house, shutting and locking the door behind me. That's when I hear laughing, so I go to investigate. I walk through the living room to the kitchen. There, I see the cutest thing I've ever seen. James is on the floor, on his hands and knees, playing with our baby girl. I cross my arms over my chest as I lean against the doorframe, just watching them interact. Suddenly, all the stress from work goes away when I see y/d/n smile a toothless grin. She is in the baby chair with the wheels and James is making strange noises as he tickles her, which makes the baby laugh. I smile "Well, here's something I never thought I'd see". James jumps, then glares at me playfully "Jesus, when did you get home?". I shrug "Just there. You two look like you've had a productive day". James stands up, then lifts the baby out of the chair, holding her close to his chest, then he walks over to me. "For your information, we have been very productive. We cleaned the house for you" He defends. I look around "Cleaned what, exactly?". He chuckles "Okay, we didn't clean at all, but we did have a fun day". I nod "Looks like it".


I walk into the living room "James, do you want...". I pause when I see my husband sleeping on the sofa with y/d/n on his chest, also sleeping. I sigh before kneeling on the floor "James". He hums but doesn't open his eyes. "James, go to bed. You've been with her all day and you're tired" I tell him. "Naw, I'm fine" He mumbles. I roll my eyes before taking the baby off him.

I leave him on the sofa, taking y/d/ n with me upstairs. I walk into the nursery and change her quickly. I pick her up again and it's just then that I realise I forgot to get her warm milk. She doesn't sleep properly without having warm milk before bed. I sigh "I am the worst mum in the world. I'm sorry, sweetie". I then sit on the chair in the corner, cradling her in my arms. I hold her close to me as I slowly rock her, trying to get her to sleep. For a minute, I thought it worked, but then she starts to cry. I rub my eyes tiredly, wanting to sleep myself. I softly hush her, but it doesn't work. It only makes her cry more. "Forget something?" I suddenly hear James's voice say. I look up to see him holding a bottle of warm milk, shaking it lightly. "Thank you" I mumble as he gives me the bottle. I put it up to y/d/n's mouth and she immediately quietens. Her tiny hands reach up for the bottle and I sigh, watching her drink it.

As she finishes, James kneels on the floor in front of me. I frown and he gives me a soft look of his own, silently telling me we'll talk later. I nod, then he sits up, leaning against the chair, helping me burp her. After that, James offers to take her and I let him put her in the crib. He gently puts her in, then tucks her into the blanket. He nods to me, signalling that she's asleep. Lastly, he places her dummy in her mouth and we quietly leave the nursery, keeping the door open a bit. Then he takes my hand, leading me to our room.

We sit on the edge of the bed, he hasn't let go of my hand. "Y/n, what's wrong?" He asks. I frown "I'm just the worst mum ever". He sighs "We've been over this, y/n. You know that's not true. Every new mum feels like this, you'll get better". I shrug "It doesn't feel like it". He smiles slightly "Y/n, you are an amazing mum, but you're new. You're allowed to make a few mistakes. It's natural, do you think I just became a supposedly good dad overnight?". I shrug "Well, yeah but you've had more experience". He shakes his head "Not with a girl, I haven't. With a boy you don't need to worry so much, you can let them get a little banged up, but with a girl? It's an instinct to keep her safe. When she grows up, I swear to god if you're not in when she gets her first period". I chuckle "I'll try to be there". He leans over to kiss my cheek "Good". I smile "Thank you, James". He shrugs "No problem. I'll be here any time you need a reminder". That's when
y/d/n's cries interrupt us. James sighs "I'll get her. You get some sleep". He squeezes my hand gently before standing up. He slips out of the room to our daughter's aid.

After a few minutes, I quietly sneak into the hallway. I reach the nursery door and open it silently. I peek in to see James sitting with y/d/n in his arms. My heart flutters in my chest. I smile, crossing my arms as I lean against the doorframe. He then looks up at me "Hey, I thought I told you to go to bed". I nod "You did". He smiles, then motions for me to come in. I sit next to him before resting my head on his shoulder. "Well, she's a daddy's girl" I sigh. He chuckles "I suppose so, but she loves her mummy just as much". "Yeah, right" I reply. He smiles "It's true, she told me herself". I nod "Okay, James. I might not know that much about babies, but I know she can't talk yet". He laughs quietly "She still told me". I shake my head at him "You're lucky I love you". He kisses my head "I love you too".

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