"Don't say that too loud. I don't know where Pan is."

"Everything is just crumbling down around me. I wish that I could just wake up with amnesia. I wouldn't be worrying about this so much."

"Don't say that. If you just woke up and forgot everything then you wouldn't even remember Peter. You wouldn't remember your love for each other. And hun, you wouldn't remember me!" Felix lightened the mood with his childish last comment.

"Yeah, that would be just awful, now wouldn't it," I laughed and rested my head in his lap. Felix just chuckled and played with the ends of my hair. We stayed like that for a while. Just telling stories and enjoying the moment.

Heavy footsteps echoed around the hut and eventually he came in. Reily walked through and and just stared at me with red eyes. I slowly sat up and snuck closer to Felix.

"Why, Melody? Just Why? You broke Zach's heart," Reily cried.


"No, you know what, I'm done. I shouldn't have come here."

"Just let me explain!"

"You don't deserve that. I have never seen Zach so sad before," Reily starts. I started to whimper and cry. Felix wrapped a stiffen arm around my shoulder.

"I didn't want this, Reily! I want to stay here with Zach, more than anything in the world. It's just not that simple."

"Shut up!" Felix stiffen beside me as Reily spoke. "You can't just do that to him! You can't just abandon him!" Felix stands up and advances towards Reily.

"Do you know what? You can shut up! You can't just walk in here and talk to her like that! Melody deserves more than to hear your complaints.Now either you can apologize and leave, or you can apologize and we can talk like civilizted people," Felix grunts out with an aggressive tone. He pinned Reily against the wall.

"Felix, stop. It's okay. I deserve his hate. Just things cool off,"I said and pulled back on Felix's shoulder.

"Mel, you can't let this... this bastard... push you around! You deserve to be treated like a Queen!"

"It's fine. I'm fine. I am the one to blame for all of this. Just let this go."

"Mel," He breathed. I looked pass Felix's shoulder and saw a smirk on Reily's face. I raised an eyebrow at him and he just smirked some more.

"Felix, can I talk to Reily alone for a little bit?" I asked. Felix just stood there unsure of what to do. "It's fine. If I need you I will call, okay?"

"Fine," He grunted and have be a hug before he left the room.

There was silence in the room as I just sat on the bed with Reily sitting on a log. He was in a passive mood and focused on the ground.

"Reily, I love Zach, but I have to leave Neverland. I don't care if you understand it or not, but this is whats best for this place. Children shouldn't be raised on this island. When they are fully grown, we will come back together. I'm not abandoning Zach or anyone on this island," I told him.

Reily still sat there. Not a muscle has moved, nor a deep breath taken. His blank eyes stared into my soul. It was like nothing I've ever seen before.

"I just want to talk to Zach about this. Will you let me?" I asked him.

"He can't take much more. I'll talk to him about everything. He is just too hurt right now. When do you leave?"

"Soon. Some time tonight."


"I have to go and find Felix," I told Reily and left the hut.

He followed be out to the clearing were eyes were still on me. Peter came up to me and placed two necklaces in my hand.

"For our children." He stated simply. They were beautiful. One had a leather base with a small conch shell tied to it. A 'p' was carved into the shell. The other was a metal chain with a half an ouster shell tied to it with a 'p' carved on it also. "Don't let them forget me."

Tears were starting to form in his eyes and he looked destroyed. His hands were shaking and his eyes were red. All I wanted to do is hold him close to me.

"Peter, I could never let our children forget their father. You could always come and visit. Or I could just not leave at all."

"You've made you decision already. Felix will take you to Storybrooke now and you will raise our children in a safe place. Don't let my father teach them anything. They'll grow up fast and when they look to be sixteen, then maybe I'll visit. They will have magic so make sure they don't have my dark magic."


"Just keep that ring on too. Always remember that I will love you."

"Always and Forever, Peter."

"Always and Forever."


Emotional chapter.... Sorry. I almost started to cry while writing this. Can you just imagine Robbie Kay crying? It hurts too much to think about it.

Any way! I hope you liked the chapter!!! Im thinking about doing a Q&A so comment your questions and I'll answer them!!! Woohoo!

Lost Love (Robbie Kay/ Peter Pan/ OUAT)Where stories live. Discover now