Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART FIVE

Start from the beginning

Alec pales, and then slowly stands from his chair, holding his hands up. "You had a brother," Alec tells him, refusing to back down.

The way his brown eyes looks between the two of us makes me wonder though. He combs his hand through his shaggy brown hair as he swallows. I look to Zombie at the same time he looks at me. I raise an eyebrow at him, and I see him try to figure out if Alec is telling him the truth or not. I've never heard of Zombie having a sibling, even a dead one.

Zombie snaps his head back to Alec, and growls, "Come with me," before curling his fingers, taking him and Alec out of the room.

Glad I didn't need him for anything. I only have one question for Alec though. If I, nor Zombie, knew of this possible sibling, then how the fuck does he know?

I swallow, and slowly turn my head to look at Josie. Her round face looks uncomfortable about something. I keep turning my head, wanting to actually see the coven's reaction to the news of who Zombie and I really are. Surprisingly, none of them look angry, nor disgusted. Most of them looked shocked, but not as much as I thought they would be.

Did Josie tell them? No. It's not possible. She took the blood oath, and I told her not to tell them. There's no way she was able to tell them. So why is there not a stronger reaction than this?

"Does anyone have any questions for me?" I ask the coven as I sweep my eyes over them.

Adrian looks to his left to Tonny, and then back to me. "Warlock," he begins, seeming scared of me, "you say you are a Heteria, and yet you broke away from them, why?"

I stand up straight, and answer honestly, "Zombie's father is missing a part of his soul. Zombie and I started looking into black magic as a way to piece it back together." I shrug. "Both of us were consumed by the magic before we even really knew what was happening. I may be a Heteria, but I am nothing like them."

Tonny lifts one of his fingers, and asks, "Did you figure out how to correct Zombie's father's soul?"

I smile a little, and respond, "Yes, we did." I look over the coven again, and when no one asks anymore questions, I look at Spencer. "Are you ready to take Lexie?"

Spencer clears his throat, stands up, and dips his head to me. "Yes, Warlock." He lifts his head. "I am ready."

I know it's not the blood oath making the coven still follow me. There's something else here, but now isn't the time to figure it out.

I curl my fingers, taking myself and Spencer to my office. I wave my hand once we're inside, putting everything I will need for my spell on the desk. First, I have to make Lexie want to go for a run. With how much sex her and Valerio have, I know she hasn't been on one of her runs for a while. I need to make it powerful enough that she'll actually go. In my opinion, Lexie isn't a powerful witch, but I'll also have to make her senses dull when she gets closer to Spencer. If she has all of her strength, she could put up a fight. Better to have her incapacitated right away.

"This is will a complex, powerful, spell," I explain to Spencer as I begin mixing everything. "You will have a very small window of time to take her, but it's vital that you do take her."

"Am I supposed to bring her back here?"

I nod my head. "I will have Tonny and Josie set up a room for her and completely seal her in." Once my spell is ready, I wave my hand, manifesting a mask and robe into Spencer's arms. "Wear these," I tell him. I put my hand on his shoulder, close my eyes, and envision Lexie's running trail. I push the images onto Spencer, and ask, "See that tree? I want you to hide directly behind it."

"Yes, Master Warlock," he replies as I take my hand off of him and open my eyes.

I nod my head again, and tell him, "Get in position."

In the Midst of the Light~ The Guild Leader Chronicles Book Four (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now