Chapter Twenty-Four

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In the Midst of the Light



My throat caves in on itself. It squeezes so tightly shut that I can't even breath through my nose to get air into my lungs. My jaw locks, but somehow, I'm able to reach a hand up, and grab Sophie's forearm.

"What the fuck do you mean you know where The Warlock's headquarters is?" I growl through my teeth.

Sophie brings her other hand up, and gently pries my grip off of her as Pascale comes to stand beside her. "When Aemilia sent me after Uncle Eric, Zombie had taken them somewhere else as soon as I landed in the museum. After I saw the news about The Warlock's latest bomb, I remembered the room I had gone to after the museum." She lowers her head, looks at the floor, and continues quietly, "The room my Mom died in."

My jaw lock again as I stare at her. I look at Pascale, who nods his head at me a little. "How are you just now remembering what the room looks like?" I ask, continuing to talk through my teeth.

Sophie snaps her head up, and pierces me with an angry look. "Because my mind has been a little focused on replaying my mother's head being chopped off," she spits, making me feel like complete shit. Of course the trauma of seeing her mother die in front of her would block out any other details. I don't want to have dreams about the church, but on rare occasions I do. "But I remember now, Valerio," she continues, softening her voice a little. "I can take us there."

I swallow as my jaw flexes. I look at Pascale for a second, and then say to Sophie, "We're not going without Lexie, Keegan, Aemilia and Brianna. Give me a minute to go wake them up."

As Sophie nods her head, I curl my fingers. I reach an arm out once I've landed back in mine and Lexie's bedroom, and gently shake Lexie awake. "Lexie, wake up," I tell her urgently. "Come on, wake up."

She stirs on the bed, runs a hand over her face, and squints up at me. "What is it, Valerio?" She asks groggily.

"We have to go do something," I reply, not wanting to tell her the second she opens her eyes what's going on. I want to give her a chance to wake up just a little bit at least. "I'll explain in a minute."

I wasn't tired at all before Sophie's note appeared just a few minutes ago, and now every nerve in my body is at attention. I have been waiting for this moment, my moment to invade The Warlock just like he's been invading us, ever since the bomb went off in Las Vegas. It's only been three weeks since then, but in just this little amount of time, my entire life has been turned upside down.

In the Midst of the Light~ The Guild Leader Chronicles Book Four (COMPLETE)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora