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****WARNING!!!! Valerio's mate's name has been changed to Lexie!!!****

In the Midst of the Light



All my life, my father has been my guide. He has taught me what it really means to be a man, and how to survive if nothing else. He has shown me how to have compassion towards others, even if I don't know them. He has educated me on how to control my Guild Leader powers; powers that mean every werewolf answers to me.

My mother created the Guild Leaders thousands of years ago, when the balance of nature shifted after her and my father mated. My mother is a powerful witch, and my father is a lycanthrope who was gifted by my Aunt with powers just as strong as my mother's, along with their pack. My mom and dad should never have been able to mate, but my father's love for her defied all laws, and the two of them fought with everything they have to correct the balance. My mother even sacrificed her own life to make sure the balance of nature was restored, but my father's love would not permit him to live without her. He created a powerful spell to bring her back to life, and after their wolves were able to reconnect their bond, my sister and I got our mother back fully.

My sister, Aemilia, and I are both half lycanthrope, half witch and warlock. When we combine our powers, along with our younger brother, Remus Cyrus; or R.C. as he likes to be called, there's nothing the three of us can't do. Our parents had a hell of a time raising the three of us together though. I myself grew physically years ahead of my time. When I was twelve, I had already grown to the size of a full adult. My sister's mind accelerated even faster than my growth. By the time my sister was eight, she could outwit our Aunt, Hope, in math problems, and was able to preform even more powerful magic than her. R.C. on the other hand though, he had both. He grew like I had, and his mind took off faster than Aemilia's.

The first thing my siblings and I did when we all came of age was to start looking for a way to reconnect our Uncle Septimus' soul. We haven't been able to figure it out yet, even with our Aunt, and Uncle Septimus' mate, Aquila's help. But there's never been a task that myself, my brother and my sister haven't been able to figure out. Even though Aemilia can see into the future, like our mom used to, she hasn't seen a way for us to take the piece of Septimus' soul out of Uncle Eric. To us, it's still a mystery.

Just like it's a mystery on why all three of us grew at a rapid pace.

Not even our cousins Sophie and Gavin, who were once mixed species like us, shared our acceleration. Sophie and Gavin's parents are my Uncle Luke and Aunt Nikiya. Uncle Luke was once the strongest person alive, even more so than my dad. He used to be half werewolf, half vampire, but Mom and Aunt Hope accidentally created a cure to vampirism. And I do mean accidentally. I wasn't present when the first vampire took the cure, but Aemilia was. She said Mom and Aunt Hope really did make it by accident. They were only trying to take their venom away. After the battle that killed every vampire who didn't side with my mom and dad, the vampires who did join their ranks took the cure. My Aunt Nikiya had been a vampire ever since 1863, but she had mated with Uncle Luke. When Aunt Nikiya took the cure, she shifted for the first time.

Aunt Nikiya is the most sought after member of the family, after Mom of course. Her and Uncle Luke are always traveling to meet with wolves all across the world. They all want to hear her story, even though they all witnessed it.

With Aemilia being able to see into the future, she was able to show me when I was six who my mate would be. My mate is my cousin, but not in the whoa your cousin kind of way. Her name is Lexie, and she's Uncle Eric and Aunt Abigail's only child. Eric and Abigail aren't really my Aunt and Uncle, just like Luke and Nikiya aren't really related to me either. There's no blood relation between any of us, not even with Uncle Septimus and Aunt Aquila.

In the Midst of the Light~ The Guild Leader Chronicles Book Four (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now