Chapter Fifteen

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In the Midst of the Light



It's been three days since Lexie woke up, and still we can't keep our hands off each other. We were finally able to come out of our bedroom yesterday, and the greeting we got from the packs had Lexie in tears. I was able to control myself a little better than her, but the reception we got did effect me. Even after the battle, and the vampires took their cure, Mom and Dad didn't get that reaction from them. The love they have towards Lexie and I isn't what any of the family was expecting.

While Lexie and I reconnected, Keegan and Uncle Septimus started training the packs. Uncle Septimus told me Keegan has came a long way already, and he feels that the gathering itself has helped Keegan grow. I think part of it is because Keegan knows Dalton is here somewhere, and he wants to shove it in his face how horrible of a creator he is. If I see Dalton, I plan on ordering him to never bite someone again. I'm happy Dalton did bite Keegan, because he's with Aemilia now, but he shouldn't have pretty much abandon him before his first shift. Who knows if Dalton would have even stuck around long enough to make sure Keegan was alright that night.

I can see a difference in Keegan though, even without Uncle Septimus reporting his progress to me. He stands taller, he uses his Guild Leader powers without fear, and he seems to have a better understanding of who he is now. Aemilia, and Uncle Septimus, said he would be a great Second, and I'm starting to see what they meant. I never have to ask him to do something now. In the last three days, if there has been any type of situation, Keegan handled it without coming to me. He let Lexie and I have our time together, and wouldn't let anyone even come close to our bedroom. Even though his own training is incomplete, Keegan is already demonstrating true leadership skills. The packs respect him, and listen to him if he's talking, which is what I want for my Second.

Brianna is starting to get her footing as Second. She still struggles, and it pisses me off that Aunt Hope won't help her. On the second day of the gathering, Aunt Hope announced to our pack that she will be staying with Braelyn in the sea of tents. Lexie and I weren't around when she made her announcement, but as soon as we learned of it, Lexie went to comfort Brianna. I offered Uncle Miles to order her to stay in the house and to help Brianna, but he just told me not to worry about it. Since Aunt Hope isn't willing to help her other daughter, Mom has started helping Brianna out instead.

She's getting there.

Aemilia hasn't seen any visions surrounding The Warlock, nor Zombie, ever since the gathering started. She isn't even seeing Spencer anymore, and all of us are sure his futures have been blocked now. After she woke up from her curse, she tried manifesting the diamond from her vision that The Warlock is trying to get his hands on, but the dark magic encompassed in it won't allow someone without black magic to get it that way. Aemilia said the only way to get it is to for someone to go get it themselves. She doesn't know exactly where it is, like where it is in the world, but whoever I choose to go get it will be able to teleport to it.

In the Midst of the Light~ The Guild Leader Chronicles Book Four (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now