A Day at Home

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"You should head home. You mom might be getting worried." Leo said. I stood up and walked over to where my shirt, towel, and keys lay. I grabbed my towel and started drying myself off. While I was doing that Leo left to go back to the celestial world.

Once I deemed myself dry enough I put my shirt back on, grabbed my towel and keys, and left to go home. I walk in to see mom sitting on the couch reading a magazine.

"I'm back." I say.

"What were you doing?" Mom asked.

"I was getting more magic energy so I can summon more spirits in a day." I said.

"Oh. Why are you all wet?"

"I was sitting under a waterfall."


"At dad's secret place." She nodded her head. "I'm going to go change." I say as I start to walk away. I change into an old pair of gray shorts and a white tank top. Then I sit down on the couch next to mom.

"Let's watch Netflix!" I cheer as I grab the remote. She puts down her magazine and slids closer to me.


I open my eyes slowly and look around. I was in the living room on the couch and the sun was shining through he window. I look over a mom who I am snuggling with. She was asleep with her head rested on top of mine. I moved a little because I was getting uncomfortable. As I did this I saw mom's eyes open slowly.

"Good morning, mom." I say as she takes in her surroundings. "Do you want to see me make a contract with some of my spirits later?"

"Yeah, I bet it will be cool." she says groggily.

"Okay there is a few I can't summon here because they are too big or they have certain circumstances."

"Okay. You want to help me make breakfast?"

"Sure!" I say smiling. We head into the kitchen to make chocolate chip pancakes. We then eat and watch Netflix. Then I got dressed and did my hair. I grabbed my keys, notebook, and pencil and I head out to the living room.

"Ready mom?" I ask. She nods her head as I look through my keys. "Open gate of the Crab!"

"Cancer." Cancer says as he appears, "Hello, shrimp."

"Want to make a contract?" I say holding out my hand. He takes my hand shaking it firmly. "What days are you free?"

"Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday." He says letting go of my hand. I quickly scribble it down.

"Thank you!" I say as he disappears.


I now lay on the floor huffing and puffing. This is because I opened 4 gates. I opened Libra, Capricorn, Gemini, and Sagittarius. Mom was not happy about Libra's outfit when she came. She really liked Sagittarius. She like his accent and she thought he was very funny.

"Are you okay?" Mom asked worried.

"I'm... Fine. I just... need to... rest...for a bit." I say in between breaths.

"Why don't you lay on the couch instead?"

"Sure." I say as she helps me up off the floor.

"I'm going to start lunch." Mom says as she goes into the kitchen. "What do you want to do this afternoon?"

"I'm thinking about making contracts with more spirits." I say.

"No, you barely have any energy right now you are not summoning any more spirits today." Mom said sternly.

"Okay, then I'll just hangout here." I say. A few minute later mom comes in carrying two plate both with a sandwich and a handful of chips. I sit up and grab the plate she is holding out to me.

"I know what we should do after we finish eating." I say.

"Whats that?"

"We should paint! We haven't done that for awhile." I say as I finish my sandwich.

"That's a wonderful idea." Mom exclaimed. Once we finished our lunch I got up and went to the art supply area and grabbed two canvases, canvas stands, and stools. Mom grabbed the paints, brushes, pencils, and aprons. I set up the canvas stands and set the stools in front of them. I place the canvases on the stands and sit down as mom hands me a paper plate for the paint of my choice.

"Thank you." I say, "Whats the challenge today, or are we just painting what ever we want?"

"Lets do a boat themed painting." Mom suggested.

"Great idea." I start on drawing my idea feeling excited. I decided I was going to do a Fairy Tail themed painting. I was going to paint the ship they took to get to Tenrou Island. Towards the front of the ship Natsu was being sick over the edge while Lucy rubbed his back. On his other side Happy was flying and looking down at him pitifully. Behind the wheel of the ship was Makarov captaining the ship. Near the stairs that lead up to the top deck was Gajeel using Levy as an arm rest. Juvia was fangirling over gray who was only in his boxers. Mira-Jane was standing near by smiling at the two. Cana was sitting in a chair on the deck and she was drinking out of a barrel. Tenrou Island was in the background.

As I finished I rubbed my forehead with the back of my hand. I looked over at mom to see what she had painted. Hers was Pirates of the Caribbean themed. It was the Black pearl with Jack Sparrow a the wheel. Mr. Gibbs stood next to him with a map opened. In the front of the boat was Elizabeth and Will holding hands and looking at each other. Jack the monkey was in the crows nest hanging over the edge by his tail. Other random crew members were on the deck and were doing stuff that a crew would do.

"Wow that's good!" I exclaim as she finishes up.

"Yours too." She says looking at mine. Then she looks at me and bursts out laughing.

"Whats so funny!?" I ask.

"Look in the mirror." she says still laughing. I run into the bathroom and look into the mirror and I start laughing too. There was red paint smeared across my forehead.

I ran back into the living room and said, "I'm Simba!" Mom starts laughing even more. I stick one of my fingers in the red paint and another one in the blue paint. I spread it on my face like war paint. Then I try to do it to mom but we are both laughing too much. Instead it is smeared on her face.

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