Gate of the lion

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At lunch

Joshua sat down next to me with a clip board and pencil. "What days would be good for tutoring?" he asks.

"I'm free everyday of the week." I reply. He writes something down and turns to me again.

"Is Tuesdays and Thursdays good for you?" he asks setting down his clipboard. I nod my head and pull out my new keys.

"Look what I found when I was on a walk yesterday." I say as I held them up so Joshua and Laurel could see.

"Wow. Those are cool." Laurel says in awe.

"Which Zodiac celestial spirit is your favorite?" I asked curiously.

"Mine is Virgo. She's really funny and she ships NaLu. What about you, Joshua?" Laurel says.

"Mine is Scorpio. I think he's really cool with his sand attacks and stuff. What about you, Raven?" Joshua says turning to me at the end. I think for a second before answering.

"Mine would have to be Aquarius. She is so cool and really strong. Plus she's a mermaid." I say. For the rest of lunch we talk about the celestial spirits. Then, the bell rings and as soon as Joshua was out of earshot Laurel came right up to my side.

"You excited for your date?" she says quietly so other people don't hear. I feel my face heat up immediately.

"It's not a date! It's a tutor session!" I say quickly. I heard her say something like 'yeah right'.  I feel my face get even redder.

"Bye." she says as she goes to her next class while I continue to algebra. I take my normal seat next to Joshua. Algebra goes on like usual until halfway through class. I happen to look over at Joshua and I catch him staring at me. We quickly look away when questions starts filling my head. Why was he looking at me? Was it because he liked me back? Was it just by chance that we looked in the same direction? Was he just staring off into space but it just happened to be in my direction?

"...Raven?" I snap out of my thoughts and I look up at my teacher.

"Yes?" I say.

"The answer?" My mind is racing. What do I say?!

"F-five?" I stutter. Mr. Jason frowns at me and I feel everyone's eyes on me.

"I'm sorry but the answer is 654." A few kids start giggling and my face starts to heat up. Mr. Jason continued with his lesson and I'm paying close attention this time.

Finally the bell rang. I got up from my seat and headed to the door, but I stop when I hear my name. I turn around slowly as the last of the students leave the classroom. Mr. Jason was looking up at me from his desk.

"I know that it's still the beginning of the year and you brain isn't accustomed to your school schedule yet. That's why I'm going to let you off  with a warning, but next time you won't be as lucky."

"Yes sir." I say quietly. He dismisses me  and I hurry out of the class.


I climb off the bus and head straight to the house. I reached into my pocket and I realized my house key wasn't there. I start panicking as I search my other pockets. When I can't find them there I start to search in my backpack. As I'm searching my hand brushes my fairy tail keys.

Suddenly one of the keys started to glow. As soon as it started the glow was gone. The feeling the keys gave me yesterday were stronger now. I pull the keys out and look at them curiously.

"Is this yours?" A voice says from behind me. I jump and turn around quickly. A man was standing there with my house key in his hand. His hair was orange, while he wore a black suit. His tie was red over a white shirt. Finally he had a pair of sunglasses. He seemed slightly familiar. He also gave off the same feeling my keys were giving me.

"Oh yes, thank you." I say taking my key from him. Almost as soon as the key left his hand he adjusted his sunglasses.

"You know a pretty girl like you should be more careful." he says.

"What?! U-uh, thank you?" I say surprised by his comment. This guy was starting to creep me out.

"There is something very important I need to talk to you about, but we can't talk out here." he says suddenly business like.

"I'm not suppose to let strangers in the house." I say feeling nervous. He leans over so his face is only inches from mine. I feel my heart beat speed up.

"You know me better than you think." he whispers. My mind is racing. I've never seen him before. How would I know him?

"Need a hint?" he whispers still only inches from my face. I nod my head still wondering who this man is. "I'm the gate of the lion." he says. I start to feel dizzy and I can feel myself swaying. Suddenly everything goes dark.


I keep my eyes closed as I try to remember what happened. I was outside and I had lost my house key.

I started to open my eyes. When I did, I realized that I was in my room. How did I get here? I sit up and realize my keys were next to my hand. That's when I remembered everything. I quickly slid out of my bed. I went into the living room to see Leo sitting on the couch with his hands folded neatly in his lap.

"Oh your awake." he says smiling at me, "Your going to want to sit so we don't have a replay of earlier." I nod my head and sit at the opposite end of the couch from him. "As you might remember I am Leo, gate of the lion. The rest of the celestial keys you have are real too. So now you need to set up contracts with all of them." I nod my head as I took in the information.

"I'll be right back." I say as I stand up. I nods his head and I walk to my room where I find a small note book and a pencil. I head back and sit back down on the couch. "Want to start a contract?" I say holding my hand out.

"Of course." he says as he shakes my hand. "I'm free on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays." I write it down as a question pops into my head.

"Um, what about Aquarius's key?" I ask.

"What about it?"

"Well, I know Lucy broke it to summon the celestial king."

"Oh, that. Well later on ,after Lucy, they found a way to make her a new key." I nod my head, relief flooding through me. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in.

"Well I need to go now." Leo says standing up. He starts glowing and soon disappears.

"I'm home!"

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