i'm still standing

Start from the beginning

the view of all the modern houses and the lake with small fish and tadpoles always calmed you down. it was the sound of the water moving and hitting the rocks on the shore. that was your favorite song. or how the small children dance and sung along to the sound of the ice cream truck while their parents kept shouting for them to come inside, supper was waiting.

the neighborhood in general was so calm and relaxing. everyone was friendly and everyone was kind to everyone. no one really wanted to leave, no one wanted to say goodbye.

but it's what happens.

you know that. you graduated today, meaning you'll be going to college soon. you chose one out of state, away from the town you grew up in because there is no school nearby that teaches what you want to learn. you don't even know if you will be able to come back after you finish college. but what scares you the most is, you don't even know if you will be able to leave—to get up.

it's something you don't want to think about yet, so you erase the thought from off your mind and enter your home via newly installed ramp, something you often rolled back down on, just for fun.

"there's my other half," your sister jihyo greets, gaining the attention of the other family members including: your mom, dad, cousin mina and sana, mina's wife, and sister's best friend jeongyeon.

you smile up at jihyo as she ruffles your hair. your mom comes up to the both of you, a smile on her face as her eyes twinkle with unshed tears.

"my babies graduated high school," she says, hugging jihyo close to her while she keeps her hand firmly on your shoulder, squeezing it.

dad soon comes after too, joining in on the 'hug.' even if you couldn't really join in, it was still touching to see your parents to involved and happy in you and jihyo's graduation.

"you get here alright?" dad asks, squatting down to talk to you. you refrain from cringing at how he talks like you need the extra care.

sure you can't use your lower body, but you don't want to be treated any less that what you are.

"yeah, it was fun. good ride," you shrug nonchalantly.

your cousin sana, who was originally eating chips from the guest bowl, comes up behind you, chuckling. "i cannot believe you use your chair as a toy for wheelies."

you snort. "i'm not going to let this ruin my summer, sana. this chair has nothing on me."

mom smiles down at you. when the whole accident happened, she was so worried your spirit would be broken and you wouldn't be the same. not only your body but your mind as well. fortunately, the wheelchair you ended up temporarily confined in has made you enjoy life much more. and you learned to not take so many things for granted.

the accident taught you that at any moment, your whole life can be ripped away from you and everything can change. it taught you to live your life as if it's your last, 'cause you never know it may be.

"i taught my cousin-in-law well," momo states, wrapping her arm around mina who simply rolls her eyes. "fun can be found—"

"anywhere," you complete for her, rolling your chair to jeongyeon who lays on the couch with a bag of chips, like it's her own home—which it kind of is since she practically lives her. "what's up with you?" you ask her.

SUMMER BUCKETLIST | nayeon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now