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We all got handcuffed and we're pulled up the stone steps into the castle by chains.

We're taken to a large stone chamber, in which in the middle of it there is a force feild box, much like the ones we use to keep prisoners back in Asgard.

Thor and Loki get pushed inside while I get pushed in hastily, landing on my knees as the room is sealed shut. I get to my feet and pace the room, desperately looking for a way out.

"You know, this is wonderful. Let's get captured and then escape, how hard can it be? It's brilliant Thor, it's truly brilliant!" Loki says angrily to his brother.

"Well why don't you come up with a better idea?" Thor said to him, his temper rising as well.
I turn my back to them, walking to the gold see-through wall.
'The last thing we needed was to start arguing.' I think to myself.

I watch as a third guard walks in the chamber, speaks quickly to the two and they all exit through the giant wooden doord.

"What do we do now?" I turn back to look at the two brothers, now that no one can hear us.

"Yes brother, do tell us". Loki turns to Thor and motions for him to speak.

Thor opened his mouth to speak, but he was quickly cut off when the doors burst open; the two men walk in once again.

I study their features as they walk closer to the wall of our prison. Both men are taller than me by at least a foot, strong build and dark eyes, they could be brothers.

"You're a long way from home. What brings you to Vanaheim?" One man demanded.

"We'll tell you, as soon as you release us." says Thor smiles.

"Nice try. But we can't have you roaming the castle. Now I will ask again, what brings you here?" he says.

"Wouldn't you like to know" Loki adds with a smirk.

"Very well then." The guard signals the other who touched a control panel.
The wall directly in front of me dissappears, startled, I take a step back but he grabs the chain on my cuffs and pulls me forward.

The wall reappears, separating us from my friends; he pulls me close to his face and grins.

"Well aren't you a pretty little thing." he said stroking my cheek with his index finger.

"Flattery will only get you so far. " I smile, moving away from his touch.

He quickly pushes me against the stone wall. Putting his hand around my kneck, lifting me of the ground and squeezes.
I am left completely defenseless.

"Maybe not, but maybe your friends will when they see what fun I plan to have with you." he smiles as he starts trying to take off my armor.
All I can hear is Loki yelling and pounding on the glass

"No! Let her go!"

Born to be King| LokiWhere stories live. Discover now