As Jimin's makeup artist

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It's been what? Twelve hours since the taping started and you're still not on the half of the cue sheet. You've had three cups of coffee, one for breakfast, one for lunch and one for snack time at exactly 3pm.

Looking at your watch, you saw that it's almost 6. Almost dinner time and you're contemplating if you're going to drown a fourth cup of coffee.

With a sigh, you glance at the actors, the directors, all of which are doing their very best. But taping are just the worst sometimes. It takes half an hour to shoot a 3-5 minutes portion and often, more.

Thankfully the catering service they got is pretty good, making the painstakingly long ass taping a little bearable.

It's not that you don't appreciate your job, because you do. You love it! You love doing makeup, you love working with talented individuals. But tailing the celebrity you're working for to dab their sweat, to retouch their makeup so they would look pristine every minute of the whole ass day is quite tiring. Specially in tapings.

You had to wake up super early too.

Plus the fact that the director for the movie ask for something whenever he wants to! The plan was to make your talent's makeup as basic as possible, as natural looking as you can. And there he goes demanding to add a little more color on the celebs' cheeks and add a little more color on the lips.

How is that even natural? You thought as you put on a pinkish nude shade of lipstick on your celeb's lips while you have your poker face on.

Or so you thought.

You were too focused on your thoughts that you didn't realize he's been calling you until you feel him grasp your wrist.

"Hey.. I know that look Y/N." He gently scolds

Wide eyes shooting up at him. You nod then but your lip, not trusting that you'll be able to keep your thoughts to yourself if you open it.

As soon as you finish applying, the assistant director called him to retake the previous scene.

Jimin, ever the professional slips into his role fluidly. The taping took another 6 hours and you can only cry with joy when the director yelled "Cut! That's it for today!"

The taping took 18 hours. And you can really feel the tiredness in your bones, not that you'll show it. As soon as it was announced that the taping is over, you immediately went to your makeup area to fix your things to not delay your departure.

You can hear Jimin in the background thanking everyone for their hard work, beside you is Jimin's manager calling the driver to fetch you all at the back entrance.

As you went inside the car, you immediately felt warm arms wrapped around you tightly. "Great job today Y/N. Work doesn't feel like work when you're with me. I love you" he said making you sigh in contentment.

"I love you too Jimin" you replied with a kiss on his lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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