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Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

I was dreading today because Zac talked me into going back to school. Another day where I have to wake up at 6:30 am, and drag my body to a building filled with hormonal teens. How fun. At least I get to see Jessy, the last time I saw her was when we both got smoothies together... Even though that was only 2 days ago. But still, Jessy's my Best Gay Friend For Life, we should be hanging out everyday.

Zac insisted on walking me to school, even when I told him he didn't need to. He said he needed to show me how much of a good boyfriend he is, and when I told him to cut the crap, he truthfully told me he needed to "protect" me and "make sure I get to school safely." I rolled my eyes at that, I'd rather go with the whole good boyfriend skit, than go with needing to protect me bull shit. How much protection do I really need? I mean....I only need one, and it's a condom. Stay safe and healthy kids.
But no joke, Zac has been smothering me all week! Wherever I go, Zac has to come along. Even when I'm showering, he has to tag along. I'm not complaining about that, don't get me wrong, I love the view, but it would be nice to just get some air, away from Zac even if it's only for 2 seconds.

So here we are now, Zac walking me to school.
"You know you didn't have to walk me to school." I said turning to him.
He scoffed, "No, you don't understand, I have to walk with you. That's literally my job, to follow you." He nudged me, "plus, I get to be a good boyfriend, and walk you to school."
"But I don't need protecting, I can fend for myself." I whined.
Zac started laughing hysterically, "You don't stand a chance to those vampires and werewolves. They'd kill you in a second." Okay, maybe I can't fight off supernatural beings, but if an average person tries to fight me, they better back the fuck up.
"Well maybe they're done trying to kill me." I shrugged.
"I highly doubt it." He scoffed, "All these vampires think you're an easy target, and will stop at nothing to get their nasty little fangs on you."
"You know who's 'nasty little fangs' I want on me right now?" I used my seductive voice, I know he can't resist that. I trailed my finger down his chest, and cupped his bulge.
"Do you not want to go to school that bad? I mean I know you don't wanna go, but I didn't know you'd use your sexy voice to try to get out of it."
"You think my voice is sexy?"
Zac rolled his eyes, "that's all you got from what I just said?"
I chuckled at his comment, "No, I heard what you said. I just wanna have some fun right now." I brought my hand back down to his crotch again, but he took my hand off.
"Wow I can't believe I'm saying no to this." Regret clearly written on his face, "Kalen, as much as I wanna fuck your brains out, you need to go to school and get your diploma."
I groaned, "fine, I guess I'll suffer and go to school, with all these gross hormonal teens."
Zac walked me the rest of the way to school, where I met up with Jess.
"Hey baddie." I greeted.
She looked up from her phone, "Hey cutie, so are you excited to be back?"
I groaned, "No. I really wish I was at home, sleeping."
"Me too sis, but we only have like 3 more weeks left, and it's gonna be summer vacation!"
"Yeah I guess, and at least I'm away from Zac."
She paused her movements, "Trouble in paradise?"
I rolled my eyes at her, "No, it's just that I feel like I can't breathe when Zac smothers me. Wherever I go, Zac has to come with me; to the store, to get coffee, to go to bed, to even shower! Jess, I don't how much longer I can take this."
We started walking to our class, before Jess placed a hand on my shoulder in sympathy.
"He just wants to make sure you're safe."
"I get that, but I just want one minute where he's not trying to protect me, and let me be."
"You should tell him how you feel, before you explode."
"I can't do that," I shook my head, "I'll hurt his feelings...and his ego, but mostly his feelings."
"Yeah, but if you don't tell him, he'll never know and he'll just keep riding your dick, until you can no longer take it."
She's right, I should tell Zac to back off a bit.

The rest of the day went by so slow, I don't even think it could go any slower. I fell asleep in 3 of my classes, and mind you, I'm only taking 5. Since there's only a few more weeks of school left, my teachers don't even bother teaching at this point. They just show us movies or give us really light work.
Besides, it's not even a full 3 weeks worth of school left because my graduation is in 2 weeks. Do I actually need to finish school if I already graduated?

The bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Thank god! I thought I was never gonna leave. I walked to Jessy's locker and waited for her there. When I turned around to look for her, she was already walking towards me...with someone else?
She was walking with a short brunette girl, with the brightest blue eyes, and some pretty big tits. She had curves in all the right places, and truth be told, she was SLIM THICK! Any straight guy would probably nut the second they laid eyes on her. I mean who wouldn't? I'm not even straight and I'd still wanna fuck her!
"Hey Kalen, this is my friend, Mackenzie, Mackenzie, this is Kalen." Jess introduced us.
I politely smiled and said a quick 'hello,' and she did the same.
"Mackenzie is gonna join us to get smoothies today." Smoothies? We didn't discuss anything about getting smoothies after school today.
"Wait we're getting-" I was cut off by her intense stare. I guess we're getting smoothies.

Half way to the smoothie shack, I started getting nonstop texts from Zac asking me where I was. I decided to fuck with him and not respond for a good five minutes before telling him where I was. This only led to even more angry texts. He's so clingy what the actual fuck! Maybe I should cut him some slack, I mean he hasn't dated anyone for more than a decade already. Bitch hasn't gotten laid in a long ass time! He's just a little rusty on the whole relationship thing I bet.

By the time we all got to the smoothie place, Zac was already there waiting for me. I let Jess and her new little friend go inside without me, so I could talk to Zac. He pulled me aside, where there was less people around.

"Kalen, do you know how worried I was when you didn't text back? I was gonna send a whole search party for you, I thought you were in trouble. Why didn't you tell me where you were sooner?" He ranted.
"Zac, I just wanted to hang out with Jess for a day, without feeling like I have to be glued to your side for every second. You've been so clingy lately, what's gotten into you?" His expression softened.
"I don't know," he shrugged, "It's just, I feel like I need to protect you even more now that we're dating. I'm so scared of something happening to you, or if you get hurt. You've been my one and only priority for such a long time, and I just really want you to be safe wherever you go."
"But I don't need protecting-" before I could finish my sentence, Zac cut me off.
"I know you don't feel like you need protecting, but I need to feel assured that you're safe all the time. I always think the worst outcome when I'm not there to protect you, or if I lose sight of you. Kalen, you have no idea how crazy I am for you, and I know I don't express my feelings often, but is it so bad that I want my boyfriend to be safe? God, I don't know what I'd do if you ever got into trouble, I might actually die."

I didn't even respond, instead, I pulled him close to me, and connected my lips to his. My hands at the back of his neck, his on my waist. I think this is the first time Zac actually opened up about his feelings to me. I mean he didn't open up much, but we're a baby step closer to him bringing his walls down.

I love how his lips taste, how his scent fills my nose, how he explores my mouth with his tongue, how gentle he gets sometimes. I love seeing this side of him, where he's just a teeny tiny bit vulnerable. This is the true Zac that I think I'm starting to fall for.

Hey guys, thank you so much for reading this book and being patient with me! I'm superrrr sorry for not posting for such a long time, but I hope you liked this chapter!

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