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193..* Respect loneliness. It's an opportunity to get to know yourself better.

194..* When one door closes, another one is about to open.

195..* Any man who downgrades you from a Queen to a Pawn is looking for a checkmate, not a soul mate.

196..* Don't be afraid of being out-numbered. You can either soar like an EAGLE or fly with the PIGEONS.

197..* In God I TRUST. Everyone else? I CHECK.

197..* The best way avoid disappointment is to never expect a damn thing from anyone.

198..* Take initiative, create your own lane.

199..* Create Opportunity where others may only see Circumstance.

200..* Imitation is NOT the most sincerest form of flattery. Its just weird bitch, BE YOU.

201..* Set Goals, Create a Checklist and don't stop until everything is checked off.

202..* When the odds are already against you is when u go harder and smarter.

203..* Talk to me. I talk back. Let's talk money. I talk that.

204..* Hustle Hard In Any Hustle That You Pick.

205..* SUCCESS is always on my mind FAILURE is not an option and GIVING UP is not even considered.

206..* Never let success get to your head, and never let failure get to your heart.

207..* When you think you cant go on, force yourself 2 keep going! Success is based on persistence not luck.

208..* The depth of your struggle will often determine the height of your success.

209..* Success is like suicide...If you succeed, prepare to be crucified.

210..* The only Taste of success some of these bitches have is when they take a Bite out of you.

211..* You can't be a boss bitch and be universally liked.

212..* Bitches are often too blinded w/ their jealousy to respect your hustle and salute your accomplishments.

213..* Men lie, cheat, screw you and leave you. But when is the last time your money betrayed you? STOP CHASING MEN CHASE SUCCESS.

214..* Having an extra source of income is smart... having ten is even smarter.

215..* Focus more on your DESIRE than on your DOUBT and the DREAM will take care of itself.

216..* Most people go hard for the applause, but true ambition is what keeps you going even when there is no one around.

217..* Never try to prove you are SOMEBODY to a NOBODY.

218..* Stop seeking the approval of those who don't matter. You never need approval to DO YOU.

219..* Too many grown boys out here with grown man money, and don't know what to do with it.

220..* Men are the accessory, not the outfit, don't ever make him your ALL.

221..* Not too many BOYS know how to approach a BOSS, I think that's why I'm still single.

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