Chapter 7

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"Ellen! Portia!", screamed the paparazzi and crowd outside as Portia held Ellen's hand tightly and they walked a few steps to their limo. They just smiled at the camera and didn't bother to answer the questions that were being hurled at them.

They got into the limo and asked the driver to put up the dividing screen and drive off to anywhere. In the silence that followed as soon as they closed the limo doors, they looked into each other's eyes, waiting for an indication and as if controlled by an unnatural force leaned forward, tilting their heads simultaneously and pulling each other into a kiss. Outside, cameras went flashing at the rear window of the limo, but inside, the two people seemed oblivious to all of it, lost into the tender moment, their first real kiss.

During the shooting of the second season of the sitcom "Roommates":

"So, in this episode, Megan is trying to get rid of this guy she has been dating and he isn't ready to let go. So she lies to him that she is actually in love with Nelle and informs Nelle later to help her out and just to prove her story, they kiss, and ..."trailed John,the director.

" Did you just say kiss?" Interrupted Portia.

"Yeah, he did, we kiss and we then make out," said Ellen and winked at Portia, grinning, trying to tease her.
Ellen and Portia were good friends by then, who never missed a chance to tease the other and Ellen knew that Portia might be OK with a kissing scene,but making out would surely get her to panic.

"And, you DO NOT MAKE OUT," added John, trying to be stern and to foil Ellen's attempts.

"Rather, the kiss extends for more than intended and though both characters act as it's all normal, they both realize it meant something," added John.

He handed over the screenplay to all the actors and they proceeded for make up.
"So, Portia, nervous, first time kissing a girl?" Ellen asked, as they walked back to the set after make up.

"No, What about you?" She replied, trying to maintain her cool, though truth be told, she was nervous, it was the first time she would be kissing a girl, and why did it have to be Ellen, Portia thought. Not that anything would affect, but Ellen was out as a lesbian and by what Portia could make of Ellen, she seemed to have a lot of experience kissing women. To come to think of it,who wouldn't want to kiss her, she could even make a straight girl fall for her with those blue eyes, Portia thought. And even though she wasn't falling for Ellen, she didn't want to mess it up.

"Me, nope, I am really experienced you see," Ellen said with a wink. She further added," and you know what makes for a real good kiss, eating a lot of onions before. Trust me, it becomes an absolutely breath taking moment. I just feasted on onion rings for lunch, just to ensure that your first kiss with a woman would be memorable!"

Portia burst out laughing, saying," so thoughtful of you."

Roommates,Season 2, episode 20, take 1:
Megan: Nelle, come over here quick. Hurry, kiss me.
Nelle: What?
Megan: David has just parked his car outside and is coming in. Didn't I tell you the whole plan yesterday night. Just get your ass up here and do it,will you?
Nelle gets up from the sofa and walks up to Megan in the kitchen.
They look at each other. Megan pulls Nelle towards her...
Ellen (Nelle) winks at Portia(Megan) and starts to grin and mouths 'onions'.
"Cut" shouts John from behind.

Both Portia and Ellen are in splits laughing.
"Gals, seriously, please Ellen, it's the last day of the shoot, just get it right... Please, we have enough bloopers already,"begged John.
" What, I didn't do anything," said Ellen making n innocent face.
"Prepare for take 2."

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