Chapter 4

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Ellen lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She had woken up a few minutes ago and had realized that Portia was a guest on her show, today. She took a deep breathe in and let it out. Wolf was lying next to her, looking at her intently, wondering why she had not yet left her bed.
Ellen stroked Wolf on his back and said out aloud, " I am interviewing Portia today, Wolf. You remember her don't you? Remember the first time you guys met. It was after the earthquake, remember.

Wolf just woofed.


A few years back, around the time of shooting season two of 'roommates':

Ellen had rushed out of her house, the moment she felt the tremors. It was a strong earthquake, tremors lasting for quite a few seconds.

As she stood outside, with Wolf, her new puppy waiting for the tremors to stop, she thought about Portia. She dialled her number, but no one answered.

A few seconds later, she rushed inside to get her keys and drove towards Portia's address, praying all the way that she was all right.

The house were Portia was staying had suffered severe damage. The bedroom part had collapsed. Ellen looked around frantically, looking for Portia, calling out her name. She was nowhere to be seen.

The other properties in the area had also been damaged and everybody was busy with their own house.

The fire services were trying to clear the rubble. Ellen rushed into trying to help.

" Ma'am stay away please," a fireman told her, stopping her.

" Portia might be in there, please hurry," Ellen told them pointing towards where a bedroom had stood earlier.

Somewhere behind her, Ellen heard someone talking in an Australian accent. She had never been more relieved to hear that voice.

She turned around and saw Portia talk to a few firemen.

She rushed towards her.

Portia had just finished talking to the firemen and turned when she was hugged tightly, surprising her.

" Where were you? Why didn't you answer my call? I have been dead worried. Thank God you are ok. Are you OK?"Ellen said in one breath.

"Oh, Ellen. I am all right. I had gone to the farm in the morning to ride horses and I was there when the earthquake happened. Had left my phone in my bag. I just drove back from the farm, when the tremors stopped." Portia replied.

" For the first time ever I am happy that your hobby is horse-riding." Ellen said.

" The house is pretty much gone," Portia said looking towards her house.

"You know what to do right?" Ellen asked


" Move in with me again, just like the time you sprained your leg. You know the house well by now, so it's ok. The only new addition is a puppy Wolf, but then it won't trouble you. And I am not taking no as a reply. You can move out as soon as you find a new place, " Ellen said.

Portia had moved in with Ellen again that day.

At Ellen's house, as they entered:

"Woof woof!", Wolf had barked seeing Portia.

" That is such a cute dog," Portia said, bending down and patting Wolf.

"That's a first. He never lets anyone near him, lest pat him," Ellen said.

Wolf on the other hand had now cosied himself in Portia's arms as she carried him inside.

" I guess pretty women are his weakness," Ellen exclaimed.

" What do I say to her today, Wolf? I mean do I tell her my feelings or do I just keep it inside. How do I know what she feels about it. What if things get complicated and I lose her as a friend. I don't know if she is even into girls, what if she already has a boyfriend," she said.

Her alarm clock went off for the second time, and she finally got up. As she got dressed, she started rehearsing, how she will greet Portia on the show.

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