I knew my concerned behavior was confusing her, but she wasn't the only one who was confused, I was as speechless at myself as she was.

After eyeing me for a short moment the spoke up "I just went to the bathroom with Ashlyn and yeah, I'm alright but why are u asking? Is everything alright?"

Ohh, so the blonde girl is Ashlyn.

Worry was evident on her face and I knew that she would soon start freaking out, but only internally. Iris was hard to read, it's like even though I knew so much about her, I knew nothing.

Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I reassured her "No, everything is fine. C'mon, the dinner is starting." And pulled her along with me to the dinner table.

The truth was that I had no idea if the dinner was starting or not but I just didn't want her to go anywhere else, I wanted to keep her close with me. And that thought baffled me.

Love for humanity, only love for humanity.

I kept repeating in my head, but I knew it would be useless. I hadn't realized that the boys had all followed me to Iris and now the boys and blonde girl Ashlyn were just standing there staring at us.

I looked at the guys and directed them to follow me and Iris did the same to blonde girl. From the corner of my eyes I could see Zac smirking at me and saying 'We have a lottt to talk about.'

Gulping down my nervousness at having to give him an answer at my strange behavior, I realized that we had reached our table, so I pulled out a chair for Iris to sit.

I looked at her expecting to find her looking at me like 'What's with him?' like the always does instead she looked to be in such deep thought that she didn't even pay heed to my actions and sat down on the seat I pulled for her.

After all of us had sat down at the table, with blonde girl Ashlyn being all awkward and me avoiding looking at Zac, Iris spoke up "Sorry for the late introduction guys," she gestured towards blonde girl Ashlyn "This is Ashlyn Summers."

Ashlyn aka blonde girl awkwardly looked around and gave a slight wave of the hand, and looked at Iris expectantly.

Iris understood the secret eye message and gestured towards me "This is my.....fiance, Elliot king." My eyes narrowed at her when she gave a gap as if deciding what to say.

Moving on, she said "The guy sitting on my left is Oliver...." She didn't know his full name so trailed off, Oliver cleared his throat and ran a hand through his hair, in a sorry attempt at looking hot "Oliver Adam, babe."

It was clear that Ashlyn was trying not to laugh at his stupid attempt. Iris directed towards Damian "the guy sitting on ur right, between you and Oliver is Damian.." she trailed off again "Hammond, Damian Hammond." He nodded his head in acknowledgement towards her.

"Lastly, the person on ur left is Zachary.." she looked at Zac and she gave Ashlyn a killer smile "I'm Zachary Jones, but you can call me Zac. Nice to meet you pretty lady."

I rolled my eyes at his cheesy introduction, after this everyone had visibly relaxed at the table, currently talking about a kid at a CD store.

Oliver spoke up after being interrupted at least fifty times "Ok ok, shut up!" After everyone quieted down, he cleared his throat.

"So......Day before yesterday, I went to this computer shop to get my laptop fixed AND there was this really cute little boy over there, probably 7 or 8 years of age who was searching through the CD rack to find himself a video game,"

He paused and looked at all of us to make sure he had everyone's attention.

"Then???" Ashlyn asked with anticipation.

"I'm telling, I'm telling," he hushed her "So, when he couldn't find anything for himself, he grabbed two Barbie CD's, went to his father, and said 'Let's buy these, Mimi likes these.' axnd I was literally an awing mess."

I let out a little laugh as Ashlyn, Zac and Oliver awed there hearts out, while Damian smiled at the thought. Looking over at Iris, I felt my heart beat faster.

She had a heart stopping grin on her face and her soft eyes made me melt away, when I realized that I had been looking for too long, I looked away.

After that Damian excused himself to go hey some fresh air. I looked over at Iris again and she had a thoughtful look on her face and I nudged her to ask what was wrong, but she simply shook head.

We we're all happy and carefree for a while, but the moment got ruined when suddenly Iris stood up and inquired "Where is Melanie?" She looked towards me "She left the bathroom before me and Ashlyn, why isn't she back yet?"

I looked all around the ballroom, but she was no where to be seen. Then it all came to my mind that it had been too long since Melanie had been gone, she went to the bathroom just after Iris and Ashlyn but she still wasn't back yet.

I tried to call her but she wouldn't pick up. Worry took over me and I rushed out of the  ballroom. Melanie was like a sister to me, a friend, the thought of anything happening to her was something I didn't want to think about.

Getting out of the ballroom, the only thing in my mind, was a prayer for Melanie to be safe.


I'm starting a new book, it's in the werewolf category and I'd be more than grateful if you guys would check it out when I release it.
I know I shouldn't start a new book when even my first isn't completed, but I have an awesome idea and I don't want this to go away before I pen it down.

With that, thank you so much for ur patience, I will be forever grateful.

With that, thank you so much for ur patience, I will be forever grateful

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