"Hi, what can I get for you this evening young man?" A middle-aged woman asks

"Hi, Could I get the double cheeseburger, curly fries, side of onion rings and a Pepsi please?" Stiles orders.

"Coming right up," the women, whos badge says Evelyn, replies before walking away

Stiles thanks her before opening his laptop which he left in his jeep when they get home from school. He opens up his Economics essay and decides to take this time to finish it to get his mind off Derek for a couple of hours.

3 hours later and Stiles is still as the diner and on his fourth coffee. He goes to pick up his coffee when his phone buzzes.

He picks up his phone to see that he has a text from Derek

We're going to watch a movie. Do you want to join us?

He ignores the message and goes back to his essay. He struggles to concentrate and shuts down his laptop with a sigh. He gets up and pays for his food and gives Evelyn a big tip before getting into his jeep and drives to his dad's house.

When he gets there, he gets out of his jeep and unlocks his dad's front door.

"Stiles?" His dad asks surprised to see him so late

"hey dad is it ok if I crash here tonight, I don't want to drive back to the house this late?" Stiles asks

"Of course, son, you can stay whenever you want," Sherriff Stilinski says

"Thanks, Night dad," he says before walking up the stairs changing into a pair of pyjamas that he still keeps at his dad's house and gets into bed.

Back at the house, the pack were in the middle of their movie when Derek's phone rings

He pulls it out of his pocket and sees the sheriffs name across the screen. He pauses the movie before answering.

"Hey Sherriff, what can I do for you?" Derek asks

"Hey Derek, Stiles just walked through my door looking and sounding nothing like Stiles and went straight to bed. Do you know what is going on with my son?" Sheriff Stilinski says sounding worried

"I have been wondering the same thing, he said that it was just about finals, but I asked the others and they don't know what is wrong with him either. Would you like me to come over and talk to him?" Derek asks, really worried about Stiles now

The pack looks at Derek when they hear his heartbeat pick up.

"that's ok, it's not safe to drive at this time at night" the Sherriff answers, not wanting to cause him any trouble.

"I will be over soon," Derek says before hanging up the phone and grabbing his jacket ignoring the looks, he gets off the rest of the pack. He grabs his car keys and walks out the door, Scott following him.

"Derek, where are you going?" Scott asks

"The Sherriff's house, he needs my help" Derek replies before getting in his car and driving off.

When he gets to the Sherriff's/Noah's house, he gets out of the car to find Noah waiting for him.

"What's going on Sherriff?" Derek asks

"I don't know, I haven't seen him like this since Claudia died and......... he had trouble expressing his emotions," Noah says, figuring it out "he is carrying around emotions that he is finding difficult to talk about"

"how did you get him to talk back then?" Derek asks, wanting to help Stiles as much as he can.

"I took him to his favourite diner in town and ordered him a double cheeseburger, curly fries, side of onion rings and a Pepsi and told him that he could tell me anything and that I wouldn't judge him because I love him" Noah answers

"I will take him to the Diner tomorrow and talk to him," Derek says

"Thanks, Derek, I will tell him to go to the Diner after school and he will meet you there," Noah says

"Sounds good, Night Sherriff" Derek replies.

The next morning, Stiles gets up and gets dressed in black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a flannel with a hood before going downstairs to see my dad sitting at the table.

"Hey Stiles, have a seat," the Sherriff says

"Ok," Stiles says, taking a seat in front of his dad

"After school I want you to go to the diner and I will meet you there," his dad tells him

"Ok, I got to get to school. See you later dad" Stiles says before getting up and out the door.


After school, Stiles gets into his jeep and puts it on when Scott knocks on his window. Stiles rolls down the window.

"May I help you?" Stiles asks

"Where are you going? We were going to study in the library today" Scott asks

"Dad wants me to meet him at the diner," Stiles says

"ok, I will see you later," Scott says knowing how much that place means to the Stilinski men.

"see you later bro," Stiles says before driving off.

When Stiles gets to the diner, he sits looking out of the windscreen for a couple of seconds before sighing and getting out of the jeep. He walks into the diner to find his dad and Derek sitting in the booth he was in the night before waiting for him.

He walks up to them and sits on the opposite side to them.

"What's up?" Stiles asks, finding this strange

"we are worried about you. You are not yourself lately" Noah starts

"You can tell us anything. We want Stiles Stilinski back" Derek finishes

"I know. I am just worried about rejection. I have been carrying this around for over 2 years now" Stiles explains

"You are my son and I will love you no matter what. You know that" Noah says

"Ok," Stiles says before taking a breather and looks up at Derek "I am in love with you Derek Hale"

Derek looks shocked for a couple of seconds before smiling, "Stiles Stilinski, I love you too"

"Really?" Stiles asks shocked

"Yea, you are my mate" Derek confesses, "I didn't tell you because you are only 18 and I want you to live your life"

Stiles looks over at his dad to see that he was crying.

"Dad are you ok?" Stiles asks, concerned

"I am just so happy for you both, I have been waiting for the moment that my son finds love," Noah says "I love you son"

"I love you too dad" Stiles answers

"I better be getting back to the station; Derek look after my son or I will come after you," Noah says before getting up.

Stiles gets up and hugs his dad before sitting down and watch him walk out of the diner with a smile on his face. Stiles turns back to Derek, who has the biggest smile Stiles has ever seen on his face.

"So, what's going to happen now?" Stiles asks

"Stiles Stilinski, will you be my boyfriend?" Derek asks

"Yes, I will be your boyfriend, Derek Hale" Stiles answers

"Let's go home, you have finals to study for and then we can go on a date when they are over," Derek says 

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