Pack Mom

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Stiles woke up with a jolt. He looks over at the direction of the noise he heard, to see that Isaac had climbed through his bedroom window with tear stains down his cheeks.

"What's wrong?" Stiles asks rushing to his side

"I had a nightmare and dad (Derek) wasn't their" Isaac replies

"It's ok he is on patrol tonight with Scott. You can sleep here with me" Stiles answers

They both get into Stiles bed and Isaac cuddles his ways into his mom's arms making him instantly feel safe.

"Get some rest pup," Stiles says

"Night Mom" Isaac answers

"Night Pup" Stiles replies before closing his eyes and following asleep.

The next morning when Stiles wakes up, Derek is standing at the bottom of his bed smiling at his mate and pup.

Stiles smiles back at him before getting out of bed slowly, not to wake up Isaac since he has had a rough night. Stiles signals with his hand for Derek to follow him.

They go to the kitchen and Stiles starts on breakfast for himself, Derek, Isaac and his dad.

"How was patrol?" Stiles asks while mixing the pancake batter.

"Good. No new threats" Derek answers

"That's good" Stiles replies while flipping the first pancake

"How comes Isaac is in your bed?" Derek asks his mate

"He had a nightmare. I thought those were getting better" Stiles replies

"They are better than they used to be. But he still gets them now and again" Derek answers. knowing how worried his mate is about the pup's well- being.

"Morning" Sheriff Noah Stilinski greets making himself known to the Alpha and his son.

"Morning dad, you are just in time for breakfast and Derek could you go and wake Is please," Stiles says putting the pancakes on the table along with bacon, eggs and sausage. 

Derek nods and makes his way up the stairs to Stile's room.

When Derek comes back with Isaac, they all sit around the table and eat, while making light conversation with one another.

"Thank you for a lovely breakfast son, I have to get ready for work now," Noah says, getting up and making his way to his room.

"I will do the dishes while you get ready for school and Isaac you may want to go home and get ready too," Derek suggests.

"Thanks, babe" Stiles responds while Isaac just nods at his Alpha.

Stiles goes back to his room and gets dressed in a plain white t-shirt, a black and red checked shirt, black jeans and black daps. He runs his hand through his hair before grabbing his backpack and going back downstairs.

He walks into the living room to see Isaac already there.

"You ready pup?" Stiles asks the young werewolf

"Yep," Isaac says popping the 'p', picking up his backpack and making his way to Stiles jeep.

"Bye babe, see you after school" Stiles says to Derek

"I love you" Derek replies pulling Stiles into a kiss

"I love you too," Stiles says, pulling away and making his way to his jeep.

He gets into his jeep and makes his way to school with Isaac in the passenger seat.

When they get to Beacon Hills High School, Stiles parks his jeep and notices that the rest of the pack are waiting for them. This consists of Scott, Alison, Kira, Lydia, Malia, Liam, Mason, Cory, Theo, Aiden, Ethan, Danny, Jackson, Brett, Hayden, Erica, and Boyd.

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