Chapter 4 - holy fcking puberty

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"THAT.IS.MY.FREAKIN.NAME," he says arrogantly. I just stare at him for a a minute or two. Suddenly I see a hand waving in front of my face.

"MIA!!" he screams as I grab his hand and chuck it away. "

"BUT, what, your voice? you what? huhhhhh??I thought you were a stalker. but, but, its you???" I mumble.

"yeah.." he says starring at me as if he isn't following the conversation. He keeps starring at me for a solid 30 secs.

"okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy then, im going...."I say getting up off the floor and walk away. I look back to see his staring at my ass. Normally I would slap his nuts off but I couldn't stop starring at his muscles. Holy. Jesus. How did that even happen??

Shawn's POV

I turn around to see the girl from the gym about to hit me with a pan. I quickly duck and smash it downwards so we both don't get hurt.

"OWW" she says so loud my ears nearly fall off. That voice. Mia!! Wtf. 

I mean what was she thinking trying to kill me like that. I'm not even being dramatic the look in her eyes right now is that of a serial killer. As if she didn't know it was me? I mean I've know her since birth its not like we are unfamiliar with eachother. Wait. HOLY. SHIT. SHE HOT FCKING HOT. 

She looks at me confused like she didn't know who I was. And all I could do was stare at her. I'm not sure what it is but she looks different. She got hot. Like hella hot. Smoking hot. "hey wtf shawn that's your best mates' little sister, stop bro," I have to snap myself out of it. 

She says something, but I'm not really listening, all I can do it stare at her, she's so fcking hot. Is it that I never noticed? or she got hot? must be puberty I though to myself... ANDDDD OHHHH DAMNNN THAT ASS.......

Mia's POV

My stomach starts wiggling around like buzzing. What the heck? I just ate. I just want to scream. At this point in time, I've never been more confused. He looks like a completely different person. I mean how tf does that happen in six months. Yeah he could have gone to the gym but his face is different, his voice is different, his hair, his AHHH. What the? AND WHY DO I CARE? I don't.. I mean surely I don't care, this is Shawn we are talking about. The same guy that set my hair on fire in my sleep. I don't care. Do I? And what are these weird spasms in my stomach? Surely there are not butterflies pffft...

After that incident I go to watch some TV to recover when ''Mutual" starts blaring out of the speakers. Shawn walks into the room looking at me like I'm a creep. "I swear I didn't do that," I scream.

"I can't hear you," He says smirking. The music is so loud I can't even hear myself think and I frantically start looking for the remote to turn the music off. I can't find it anywhere. I wanna die right about now. Kill me please this is so embarrassing. I keep running around like a headless chicken until I hear it go off. I turn around and BOOOOM. I step back. "How did you do that?" I ask kinda embarrassingly. 

"Easy, my phone."

"Oh" I say as if I knew that was possible.

"You wouldn't be trying to hint something to me with that song?" He says with his little smirky face that he does. 

I look at his as if he is deluded, "PFFT firstly, I didn't put that on and SECONDLY, NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS U STRUNZ."

"I don't know about that," he says stepping closer to me. Our bodies are so close I can smell the testosterone in the room. But I kind of liked it. WTF? THIS IS SHAWN? no, no, no, no, no. I DO NOT LIKE IT. 

Shawn's POV

I'm just about up against her and I've never been so attracted to anyone in my life, not even Maddi my ex, and she is smoking. What even happened to Mia? I mean, I've only been gone for half a year, how's this even possible. It is fair to say I AM SHOOK to the BONE. All I can think is holy. fcking. puberty.

I stay here back and forth charming her with my smooth talker words, and I can't tell if she's into it but she definitely is checking the new pecks out. 

Mia's POV

"haha, thats a funny joke Shawn, I'm in hysterics, I'm laughing. no no. rolling. on. the. floor. laughing.." I smile sarcastically at him. "Now fck off and leave me alone, I saw pushing him back. OML his chest muscles are hard as rock.Holy. fcking pubertyyyyy. 'WTF MIA, STOP IT' I think to myself. 

"Nah, get ready we are going out for breakfast"

"WE ARE NOT" I say dramatically.

"Oh yes we are honey, I'm your guardian today."

"Excuse you, I am seven..." he cuts me off, showing me the text from Mum saying 'tell Mia I said to help you out today, no options.' "OKAY, MENDES, number 1, I've already eaten and number 2, breakfast is NOT helping you out."

"No BUTS honey," Shawn says with a big bully like smile. "Could you pass me my keys, slave?" he adds.

"OK. HONEY!" I throw the keys at him with my one functioning hand." This will be interesting...

Hey guys, hope you like, send me feedback in comments or DM me on insta @dontbeatomatoMore content coming soon.

P.S I don't really care for punction and grammar, so don't kill me. xoxox have a lovely day ily mendes army fam xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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