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Karma didn't remember how he'd reached to this cabin. Or how and where his ship and crew were. But he did know that this wasn't a familiar place and the cozy air in this place wasn't something to trust. No one gave away things for anything except their own profit.

"Ah! You're finally awake." A friendly voice, definitely masculine, chirped from the door and Karma shifted a bit to see who it was, only to feel an excruciating ache run along his entire body.

"You shouldn't really move, you know?" The voice came even closer and Karma felt his pockets for his weapons but found none.

"Geez.." The voice was finally matched with a face and it was a boy with raven hair and gray eyes who was sporting an exasperated look, "I won't bite you. I just came here to check on you."

Despite the searing pain, Karma managed to sneer at the overly-kind gesture with a grunt, "Who are you? And why are you doing this? Stay away from me."

To his dissatisfaction, the boy edged even closer with a hint of smile playing on his face. That bastard was amused by this? He ought to demonstrate what the Akabane Karma could really do to this insolent brat.

"Stay still, would you? I'm trying to patch you up here." He looked somewhat annoyed as he took the bloodied and dirty bandage off his torso.

It was then that Karma noticed that his upper half was exposed and thankfully, his lower half remained clothed. There were scratches all over his chest like he had fought a vicious beast and a huge cut near his hip which hurt like bitch now that he was aware of his surrounding.

Sighing, he relaxed in his care. He could take help if they were pushing the offer to him so forcefully and in a situation like this, accepting it was the best bet but, if he sensed any thing abnormal with this 'patching up', he could always tackle the boy to ground.

"All done!" He announced happily, humming a jovial tune to himself while discarding the used bandages in a bin.

Karma narrowed his eyes, "I believe I asked you some questions before."

The raven-haired boy chuckled, putting the box of medical supplies away, "Right. Right." He sat on a stool not very far from Karma as he started, "My name's Tomohito Sugino, a fisherman through and through who got stuck in this island because of the storm. And I was mending you up because you were injured."

Eyebrows knitted at the reasoning, that sounded illogical, ineffective and just a waste of time as a whole. Before, he could point that out Sugino said something that made Karma freeze for a second.

"And I know who you are. Akabane Karma, the captain of Saguinary Sailors," his eyes glinted at Karma like sharp blades of knives, "aren't I right?"

Scanning the room, he found a knife resting on the table that looked suspiciously like his own and he nodded, asking the second question, "Where are my stuffs and what do you want from me?"

Sugino whistled, "Quite the skeptical one. And for your answers, I found a gun, two knives and a tube of wasabi inside your pocket. I don't know about anything other than that."

Karma nodded, good, good. Then he had a piercing suspicion that rooted from a logical cause as he narrowed his mercury eyes skeptically, "And how did you find me? Were you fishing? In the storm?"

For the first time in their interaction, Sugino stiffened and it probably wouldn't be the last. "I was withdrawing my net because of the incoming storm." He weakly protested, "You were just caught onto one of the barbs."

Karma hummed, this time amused. The boy was clearly lying but he decided to humour him just for this time's sake to let the matter drop. Even though a part of him knew that this information would be useful as a blackmail material.

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