Laurens: All four of them?

Quinn: Yep! 

Jefferson: Oh my gosh, that's gonna take all day!

Quinn: Harry Potter was longer. 

Jefferson: But Harry Potter had deep themes and engaging characters. This is just... superheroes.

Philip: Hey!

Quinn: Oh, I promise you, Thomas, give it a little time and you'll find Marvel is more than, "just superheroes." Now, let's get started with the movie that launched this franchise into permanent stardom: Avengers!


Quinn: Well? What did you think?

Peggy: That was so cool!

Laurens: I love that one!

Angelica: I mean, I've grown to be a fan of Marvel. When I babysit Philip, I always get a crash course lesson in superheroes. *chuckles* But this one isn't my favorite. It just wasn't that good.

Quinn: I mean, that's understandable. In my opinion, it was the worst of the four, but I do have a soft spot for it because of Loki. 

Eliza: Loki? But he's a bad guy.

Quinn: *shrugs* What can I say? I'm Loki's Army. *grins* How about the rest of you guys?

Jefferson: It was just superheroes. I rest my case.

Madison: I must say, I agree with Thomas. This movie just didn't engage me. 

Eliza: It was a little scary... *turns to Alex* Are we doing the right thing, letting him watch these movies?

Hamilton: *shrugs* I think we've been okay parents so far. We've done minimal damage to his young, developing mind. 

Eliza: *looks angry and upset*

Hamilton: I'm kidding, I'm kidding. He'll be fine. And besides, these movies clearly mean a lot to him. I don't think we could take them away now if we wanted to.

Hamilton and Eliza: *look over at Philip, who's sitting on the floor with Susan* 

Philip: *showing Susan all his action figures* And this one is the Black Panther. That's who I am.

Susan: *smiles and takes him* I like this one! He's a kitty!

Philip: ...No, Susan. He's a panther. And besides, it's just a costume. 

Susan: *giggles* Kitty! 

Philip: No, Susan! 

Susan: *giggles harder* Kitty! Kitty! Meow! Meow!

Philip: MOM!!!


Angelica: That one was much better.

Madison:  I liked Ultron's conflict about good and evil, life and death. Now, that was intelligent writing. 

Maria: I really liked that Wanda girl. She's my favorite. 

Theo: But Quicksilver dying was really sad. 

Laurens: Yeah, I really liked him. *tries to imitate his voice* "You did not see that coming?"

Quinn: Who's your favorite, Alex?

Hamilton: Either Iron Man or Captain America. They're both pretty cool.

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