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There are two teams: Clan Team and Traitor Team

In every game, there will be a leader, deputy, medicine cat, and medicine cat apprentice but the roles will be unknown to all of the other cats. The leader won't know who the deputy, medic cat, and medic cat apprentice and so on.

There will be no kits or queens cuz yeah

Clan Team Roles

Everybody on Clan Team don't know each others' game roles but they do know each others' cat roles.

Leader - There will be one leader. When the leader reveals themselves, their vote counts as 2 and their name changes and ends with "-star" but they still have one life.

Deputy - There will be one deputy. The deputy has to investigate a cat and they'll learn the exact role of the cat they investigated.

Medicine Cat - There will be one medicine cat. The medicine cat will try to revive the Traitors' victim. 

Medicine Cat Apprentice - There will be one medicine cat apprentice. The medicine cat apprentice will try to heal the Traitors' victim. 

Warrior/Apprentice - The remaining people will be either a warrior or an apprentice. If they are an apprentice, their name ends with "-paw". They are innocent.

Watchclaw - There will be one Watchclaw. If the Watchclaw thought that any cat was suspicious they will kill them. If they kill an innocent cat, they kill themselves.

Elder - There will be one Elder. The Elder gets to choose which cat they want to mute. 

Traitor Team Roles

Everybody in the Traitor team will know each others' game roles and cat roles. 

Lead Traitor - There will be one Lead Traitor. The Lead Traitor's kill vote counts as 2.

Framer - There will be one Framer. The Framer does not participate in the kill vote but they can try to frame an innocent cat. 

Traitor - There will be three Traitors. They can participate in the kill vote. 

Traitor Apprentice - There will be one Traitor Apprentice. At the end of their name is "-paw". They can participate in the kill vote. 

Dark Hearts - A Warrior Cat Mafia GameМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя