Work Conflict (눈_눈)

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Rigby POV
I can't believe this guy. He calls himself my friend but back stabs me. He knows me and Mya aren't getting along at this moment and decides to hang out with her. What if it's something more than that? No, can't be he wouldn't.
"Speak now!!" Mordecai rolled his eyes. "Dude let's just stop talking about this." I throw my empty can of soda at him. "You're a traitor." He sighed in frustration. "stop being childish. Just because you're mad at her doesn't mean I have to be. I don't have a problem with her. Plus all we did was go to the arcade to hang out." Oh the nerve of him. I jumped at him and punched him. He didn't even flinch.
"A real friend you are. Traitor!" He sat down and started texting. This made me more mad. "You're texting her aren't you." He rolled his eyes. "Who cares if I am. What's your problem with her anyway. You were cool with her before she told you off. Then Eileen pops up and you're back at having a problem. Is it because you like her?" I growled. "I never liked her I only was cool because I didn't have a care anymore." He shook his head. "No you were cool because you started to crush on her. I saw the way you were around her. The day of the party she said she didn't like you like that and you were embarrassed. Admit it, you like her. But too bad you're with Eileen so I'll be free to have her." I punched him in the face as hard as I could. "Shut up shut up shut up. You just want her as your girlfriend. I could care less but I was never embarrassed by her and never had feelings for her. She's not even cute."
"Well then how about you let go of your hate on her and leave her alone. She got her own problems. All she wanna do is just work here. You need to back off or I'll make you." Hes really pissing me off. I can't believe he's taking her side. "Whatever, I'll just ignore both of you. Until you admit you were wrong for lying to me." I crossed my arms. "Maybe I was wrong but I knew you were going to react poorly so I didn't want to tell you. Plus you have Eileen now so just spend more time with her." Wow just wow. My own friend choosing miss new girl to be his new friend. "If that's how you're going to react then go make Mya your new best friend." I huffed, "fine I will" he smirked. My mouth dropped, I didn't actually think he would agree. "Fine be her friend, she's just gonna ruin your life like every other girl." That crossed the line I guess because Mordecai punched me in the arm. "Not cool dude, not cool. Until you stop acting like a child, I'm going to go hang out with Mya and Lia. By the way if I were you I wouldn't be near Lia at this time, she's man hunting you down." Then he left just like that.

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