Chapter 2

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"What's going on?" the security guards asked as they stood before the situation the three were in.

"violent stalker, we need police here, she tried to strike me with a knife.." he explained as he held the woman's arms behind her back firmly and Ludwig help Lovino to settle down from his adrenaline rush. the police were called and they took the woman away as Lovino and Feliciano sat on the side benches and calmed down

"he... he saved me..." Lovino muttered under his breath as he realized what could've happened if Gilbert wasn't present to save him, Feliciano looked over to him withe confused look on his face.

"Ve? Fratello what're you talking about?" he had slightly heard Lovino's mutterings and cocked his head to the side like a confused dog.

(Italian- Fratello- Brother)

"er.. sì.. just don't mind me Fratello" he said simply as he stared at the guards and police officers see the woman to the police car and driver her off to the station

that one interaction had thawed a small, tiny, ity bity bit of lovino's heart towards Gilbert

later that night after the skaters where home Ludwig was busy having a crisis that Gilbert knew exactly why it was happening,

"Lud i swear to Gott! just admit you're hella gay for Feli, like damn!" Gilbert said with a laugh as they drove home from getting the other brothers home 

(German- Gott- God)

"But I'm not! He's just... Mildly attractive... Plus I highly doubt he even swings that way" Ludwig argued with his brother as he stared out the window at the darkening sky

"Bullenscheiße! and i can most defiantly say he has a thing for you to so you have no excuses left!" Gilbert laughed but little to him knowing his brother DID have another excuse.

(German- Bullenscheiße- bullshit)

"his brother will cut me to ribbons if i even tried! also didn't you have a thing for him? if you want him you can have him..." Ludwig trailed off thinking about how close his brother and crush where

"Lovino won't do shit! he'll just throw dirty looks, and i want you to be happy with feli, he's not gonna ever be with me and I've got someone in mind anyways.." Gilbert explained as he stopped at a light, thinking about the situation and his impulse, less as a guard, but something more to keep Lovino safe and at his side.

" and who that be Gil? Elizabeta again? you do know her and Roderich are a thing, right?" Ludwig asked, his head turned to the side a slight bit

"nah, liz is just my friend... it's someone else" he said in a vague sense, pulling up to their home and getting out . 

{Time skip brought to you by the awesome Prussia's crotch cloth!!!!}

the weeks that came after that day the stalkers and extreme fangirls grew more than usual, it was odd for sure.

"heilige scheiße... there have been so many fours and fives.." Gilbert panted as he bent down and leaned onto his knees to catch his breath

(German- heilige scheiße- holy shit)

"ja... we better get a raise if this continues, and you need to go to the gym with me more, you're getting tired quicker." Ludwig was every so slightly worried about Gilbert, seeing as he had been going to the gym less and less

As the days passed it finally pushed the Italians to go to an even more private rink. they also did give their guards a raise just in case they had to work overtime.

(Sorry this took so long and the fact it's 100-ish words shorter than the last chapter!!!)

Cold Feet, Warm Hearts.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ