Chapter 3: a new obstacle

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finally, after weeks of prep and hard work both by the Italians and german brothers, the tournament arrived, the first even occurring in their home, Rome, Italy. 

this was familiar territory, but someone new was in the rink before the event was to be held. he wasn't a competitor but someone who was just there to experience the rink before the event was to be held over the three days.

Lovino had gone in to do some last-minute practice and saw the man... it was gilbert, skating with grace across the ice as he had headphones in and wasn't aware of Lovino's presence. once he did notice the Italian, he fell over and panicked.

Lovino was amazed and a bit stunned, after all, gilbert was skating one of his old routines with mastery, even the music he was listening to was that from the routine, a routine that made the brothers famous.

"L-Lovino! I swear I can explain I-I-" he stammered, face red with embarrassment and was scared Lovino was gonna get the wrong idea from him skating the routine.

"Where the hell did a bastardo like you learn to skate like me?!" Lovino asked loudly, stunned at the skill gilbert had. 

"I-I'm self-taught..." he admits. he got up and went over to Lovino, a bruise on his arm from when he'd fallen

"Fanculo... did that happen 'cause of me?" he asked, grabbing hold of his arm and inspecting the bruise

(Fanculo - Italian - Fuck)

"ah! it's okay Lovi- er- I mean Lovino!!" he stammers, his face only burning a deeper shade of red with the physical interaction. 

Gilbert and Lovino sat for a bit and talked about how they learned to skate, getting less awkward with each other and Lovino warming up to him from the bastard he though gilbert was.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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