Hikaru's Idea

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(This is my first of hopefully many story's, hope you guys enjoy and I don't own Oran Highschool Host Club so they aren't my characters)

Hikaru P.O.V

Just like every other day, I went to the Host Club after school for a club meeting. I didn't really care for the "Brotherly Love Act״ but if it means I could spend more time with my friends and do some unsupervised mischief. I would go without another thought. So Kaoru and I did the usual and stepped into the club as classes were over.

As we open the door we could hear Tamaki and Haruhi yelling at each other, "Haruhi, Daddy wants a hug for a good job today!" Tamaki yells across the room to his "Daughter" Who looked awfully annoyed. "No Senpai," she bluntly replied as she began cleaning up her space, while Tamaki runs to his emo corner with his instant commoner's ramen noodles.

I made a line with my lips as I saw Tamaki and Haruhi bicker among each other. Honey made his voice clear stopping Tamaki and Haruhi from talking, " We should go somewhere again," Honey perked up "it's been too long, don't you think Takahashi?" Honey looked over to Mori whom just nodded.

"And so it would be!" Tamaki stood up from his corner announcing to the six others in the room. "We will go on another trip!" He prided himself off of Honey's idea. "Yes I agree, it could help the club. But to where this time?" Kyoya asked asked him stared off into his computer. I peeked up to this idea "How about an amusement park?" I say mostly to Kyoya who handles our money. "Great idea Kaoru!" Tamaki pointed to me "Hikaru," I corrected him "Hikaru!" He dumbly repeats.

"Next week Kyoya?" Tamaki asked, for Kyoya only to nod. "That could work out, we can cancel for one day, more girls could come in the following days for missing us." Kyoya contemplated.

The meeting ended not long after, "Are you exited for the amusement park?" Kaoru asked as we walked down the decorated halls. I just shrugged, "It's been a while since we've gone to one." I say after a moment of silence, we stepped into our black limo and rode home.

Tamaki's P.O.V

By myself, I stepped into my family's limo. I sat looking outside the window thinking. I usually thought back to about Hikaru and his idea of going to amusement park. It wasn't really like him to give out ideas, though I'm not complaining if he's helping the club. I smile as I continue thinking about my club.

(Edit by ChikaShane )
(ChikaShane is also making book called Seven Deadly Sins Saiki K. Crossover Misunderstood Power you should go read it because it is pretty swell!)

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