4-Laws of understanding

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I had been running. Taken the hyper loop to get as close as possible and ran the last miles straight, no stops, not caring about all those people that crossed my way. Once again I praised my visits at the gym, the possibility to swiftly get through the traffic with just a few incidents and a lot of confused looks.

When I reached the right skyscraper, one of the most luxurious of the Dastor District, my hair was sticking onto my forehead and my breath hasty, like I spend the last few hours running multiple marathons. “Siesama, 309th apartment.”

I leaned against the wall, watching how the display changed its color “Listening” The house maid, a delta, name Tania. “Amstrong, it's important” the door opened without further explanations.

I ran up the elevator, hating the minutes I simply stand there, waiting. The way towards the door, greeted the tall, strong woman that had opened for me, was brought into the living room, forced to sit down.

“Mr. Amstrong, are you alright?” I thanked her for the water she had given to me, took a few minutes to answer. There was still a mess in my head and I couldn't find the self-control to build a whole sentence.

My mother had left the mansion, days before she was taken into custody and not been there since then. Her husband had left even earlier. Both had planned to stay away. They knew. Somehow they knew

“No...yes...it's...fuck, I'm fine. I just need to talk to the Siesamas” I had rationed down my hormone stabilizing meds. Actually, I rationed down everything, since I started running out of it, faster than I ever thought I would. It paid back. Right now, the moment the deep voice echoed from the walls like a growling lion and I had to take a few steps back in panic, it paid back.

“Damari's at the campus. I'm here” Arnaxis. In all his glory, the most likely 8'5 frame, broad shoulders and muscle-roped arms. I could see droplets of water run from his long, wet hair onto his back, down the well-sculpted features. Until they were soaked in the towel.

Arnaxis Siesama wasn't wearing more than a towel.

In less than a second, my face flushed to the deepest shade of pink and my cheeks became unbearable hot.

I cleared my throat, crossed my legs awkwardly like a teenage girl. He was a married man and my body seemingly didn't give a fuck “I didn't want to interrupt...well...” I sighed, grabbing a fistful of my hair “I wasn't aware that you weren't dressed when I stormed in to the apartment like that, my deepest apologies Mister Siesama”

He smiled. An amused, sly smile. If more of my blood was pumped into my cheeks I would pass out. “There's nothing you wouldn't have yourself, it's absolutely fine.” I was never in the possession of muscles, onyx-black eyes or enough facial hair to even dare cutting it so clean and structured. And if I dared looking another time I may have found a whole lot of other things I wouldn't have myself.

Especially such a kind of grace. Regardless of his frame, he managed to move smoothly, like a feline. Graceful, proud and confident. And so...neat. Even in a towel he was so well organized, such a contrast to beautiful mess Damari. And I had already been thinking for far to long.

“So, why the hurry?” I grabbed my bag, started to fiddle with the things inside the worn out leather case, not daring to look at the man once again.

“I finished early, so I went to my mothers house” he cleared his throat, sat down with his perfectly shaped eyebrows furrowed “A bad start already. The case is still part of the medias attention. Nobody, especially Idelle Amstrongs son of a gamma, should be seen there”

“There were no media” I felt insulted. I'd been alone, it was a lonely area and I wouldn't be dumb enough to overlook a follower, right? I wouldn't drop my ice cream, before running through the hyper loop and following the streets without looking for cameras, would I?

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