3-Laws of ignorance

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Due these circumstances, the human defenses' conclusion comprises... I sighed, resting my forehead on the desk, blinking to get rid of the exhaustion. I hadn't gotten any sleep last night, laid awake for hours and hours.

Apollox, dad, mum...Damari. What if they found out? Maybe by scouting the corpse of a rotten ten-year-old, that clearly couldn't have taken any drugs in the past eleven years. Maybe by me, crumbling down in front of the alphas and barring my neck, showing submission.

I was terrified of such an event.

I loved my life.

Loved what I had built up for myself, regardless how hard it was, how much I fought.

Being given to an alpha for “safety measures”, loosing all respect the world of law and justice had left for me, I couldn't stand the idea.

How would anybody? Way more troubling than some wannabe-hacker teens ...that all of this is ridiculous and really fucking me off.

I didn't bother lifting my head. My big mistake. Because somehow, I must have touched the send-button. Something the high little noise noticed me directly and Atticas deep laugh coming closer some minutes later, the door getting opened.

“I am so tempted to send your recommendation through, I swear Kyris"he laid down his tablet, crossing his arms while sitting down in one of my spare chairs, trying to gain my attention. He hated to be ignored. But I, I had worked my way up to be an exception. So I just kept laying down, my cheek pressed against the cold surface of my desk as glued onto it. “Oh, come on, the last guess when you're going to have a burnout is overdue a whole year by now. I'm going to send you home with ice cream and you come back tomorrow for the resolution, ay dream boy?”

I groaned, fixing my frizzy hair “No, I can do it now, not much of an issue” “It's a whole week early anyway, I don't even know if I'm going to find work for you tomorrow. Don't go moody gamma on me. I told you to get yourself some ice cream, so get yourself some ice cream” he rolled his eyes, the grin slightly faded “I never go moody gamma on you. I'm never moody at all!”

“Exactly, so don't start it, pint-size” I chuckled slightly, scanning my display once again. Just in case I forgot something. Some tasks to do. Anything “I'm fine. No burn out, just lacking sleep. Don't worry about me big guy”

He instantly stopped smiling, started to adjust the cuffs of his jacket, clearing his throat before sighing “Look Kyris. It's a lot. Loosing your brother, even when an omega, being abused by your own mother and getting confronted with it all over again...”

I couldn't believe my ears. Atticas. Out of all people, it was him pitying me. Him thinking of me as weak. Unable to handle my own life. “Skip it Att'. It was my only condition. That I could stay here, work. So just...let me work.”

He wasn't convinced. Not at all. “Att', you can't...” He raised an eyebrow, taking my display, turning it off. Without additional saving to my cloud or pairing it to my watch. What was I supposed to do in the evening? “Get your ice cream, sleep, come back here tomorrow, alright?” I bit my lip, defeated. He was my boss, after all. No use in fighting. He understood my reaction instantly. Smirked only to receive an annoyed eye-roll “And remember I love you, my angry moody-Gamma dwarf.”

I collected my things, just in time before he sent some money onto my account and pushed me out of the door “If you dare to work anymore today, I will force you to sit out your overtime in a spa. All of it Kyris” I chuckled once. It wasn't that much honesty, just an hour or two whenever my overly stressed mind allowed me to or I had something important to take care of. It wasn't just keeping me busy. I was passionate about my work.

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