-)Thirty Nine: Evil Just Got Manners(-

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Tate found a clear spot in the Subway.

Well. She kicked an elderly couple out of a clear spot on the Subway platform near where Captain America had directed them off the streets. The smell of people was almost overwhelming. Dan's face scrunched up in distaste. She hated crowds.

As soon as Tate was completely sure Dan was untouched, she turned on the instant-kill-mode in her eyes, "Why the hell were you out so long? One coffee, that's all we said. One coffee and then you come straight home. I don't care who's invading."

Dan gulped, "I was coming home. I was. But then I saw..."


"There was a guy getting held up in this alley," Dani explained guiltily, "And I thought because we're super spies and stuff-"

"You thought you'd go play vigilante?" Tate asked sarcastically, "Kick ass like Captain America?"

Dani shrugged and looked down, "We aren't at the Facility anymore. We can do good things now."

"Danners. Look at me." Tate put her hands on Dan's shoulders, "Saving people isn't your deal, okay? It's not up to you."

She gave Tate a plaintive expression, "I know that. But that doesn't mean we can't help-"

"Actually, it does." Tate snapped, before forcing her tone to soften, "The whole point of taking this dead-end undercover gig is that you stay away from the fight from now on. We aren't heroes, Dan. We can lose."

Nodding, Dani sniffed and leaned her head against Tate, "I spilled your coffee."

"That's okay." Tate had forgotten about the coffee, "Just no more fighting, okay? If you find someone else to take the hit, you let them take it."



"Delivery for Timothy Krillon. One bullet of Karma."

Tate was stalking through the doors before Krill had time to piss himself. This problem was largely resolved by the time she had grabbed him by the throat and slammed him down on the desk behind, the crack of his head against the wood signalling nothing good. Greg, from his position in a guard stance against the back wall, didn't move. But even Krill couldn't blame him for that. Because behind Tate was the very symbol of American opposition to HYDRA. Public Enemy No. 1. 

Captain Gosh Darn America was here.

Tate didn't look over at the guard, or lessen her hold on Krill's throat as she said, "Hi, Greg."

"Hey, Miles." Greg greeted with a respectful nod, "How're you doing?"

She shrugged, "Been better. Sorry you had to get mixed up in this."

Greg thought about how he probably wouldn't last out the hour, "Me too. No hard feelings?"

"You did kidnap my little sister and assist her attempted murder." Tate pointed out. Krill was going a strange colour.

"And I am about to die for it." Greg felt inclined to point out.

"Fair point." Tate acknowledged, "I'll put forgiveness on my to-do list and see if anything happens."

"Appreciated." he smiled forcedly, the expression dropping off his face as Krill made an alarming noise, "And, not to be that guy, but he's not gonna be able to answer any questions if you keep..."

With a disgusted expression, Tate relinquished her grip on Krill, who fell forwards, hands flying to coddle his neck as he tumbled into a coughing fit.

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