-)Thirty Five: Accepting the Inevitable(-

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Alone in the deepest, darkest dungeon of the castle on the cliff, the princess waits to be saved.

The villain, tall and imposing, paces the floors above, brandishing a sword and ready for the heroes to attack. The henchmen form hordes of armies prepared to die for a half formed theology.

And our heroes, they ride the hill on their mighty steeds, weapons glimmering under the thin straggles of sun that battle through the thick clouds. Their hearts are unwavering and their minds are one.

The princess will wait for them, because they have always been there to catch her when she fell, and they'll be there again now. Trust in her salvation is as deeply rooted in her very biology as a fiery opposition to the dark side and her clean conscience-

"This story sucks."

Tate watched Kim groan and list dramatically sideways onto the floor with a small smile.

Nato was not so amused, "It's classic!"

"It's boring." Kim argued, "Everyone knows what's going to happen. Stories should be unexpected. Like, a mirror to real life but just a little bit off centre."

"I think it's comforting." Nato decided.

Ash clapped to get their attention, then signed something to the effect of, You can't argue plays with Shakespeare.

"That's not fair." Nato declared, "Kim learned to play the piano. I'm allowed to read bedtime stories to Dan."

Dan's asleep. Ash signed.

"And it's not like Kim can play like you." Lucas rolled his eyes.

Nato pointed at him, "Not the point."

"Then, Nathan Conners, my beautiful brother-in-arms," Kim slung an arm around him, grinning as she did it. They all knew Dan got her good humour from Kim, "Pray tell us mere mortals what exactly the point is."

"Well, Kim Marcello, my badass sister-in-slaying," Nato leaned on her shoulder, "The point is that I have a gigantic ego, and I need Dan to like me best."

There was a chorus of 'boo's and no small amount of pillow throwing that greeted these words. Even Tate was tempted to get in on the action, but she held her course, sat in the windowsill and tracking pedestrians up and down the boulevard outside.

"I'll kick your ass for that, Conners." Kim said.

Lucas piped up, "And we'll kick your arse."

Ash cracked his knuckles.

Finally, Tate stood up, "I'm gonna kick all of your arses if you don't shut up. Dan's asleep. This is a once-in-a-blue-moon event. And if Dan doesn't sleep, I don't sleep. So, boys, to bed."

Grumbling, Lucas and Ash did as they were told.

"That means you too, Nato." Tate raised her eyebrows.

"I'm only two years younger than you." He reminded her, but soon bent beneath her steely blue do-not-fuck-with-me eyes.

Kim was the last to stand up, moving towards Tate and batting her eyelashes suggestively, "Does this mean we get some girl time?"

Tate's stern expression broke, just a little, just a shadow of a smile. Really. But it was with a much more gentle voice that she said, "You should probably get some sleep too. I don't know when the call's coming in."

"We don't know, you mean." Kim corrected, lowering her voice just slightly so the others couldn't hear, "You don't have to do this alone, Tater Tots."

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