-)Twenty Five: The Bright Side of About to Die(-

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Please please please don't spoil Endgame in the comments.

I've watched it, and it's one of those movies you need to go into not knowing anything. If you have a brain thought about it, please just keep it in for a bit. Even if you think you're being sneaky with how you phrase it, there are a whole load of Sherlocks online who'll work it out without even meaning to. 

Mischief Managed,


Natasha was back at the car, sorting her knives in order from smallest to most-likely-to-be-in-a-horror-movie. A veritable assortment of guns had already been strapped to her person, and her gauntlets were in place. She didn't look up as Sam joined her.

"What did Fury say?" She asked bluntly, voice echoing off the inside of the tunnel.

"He's staying with Dan." Sam answered, "And he gave me a cat."

At that, the assassin's eyes jumped to her companion. In his hands, a ginger feline blinked demurely at her with bright green eyes. 

"Of course he did." Natasha Romanoff's tone told a story of infinite disappointment in the human race, "We're facing down upwards of forty armed and highly trained HYDRA soldiers but, hey, at least we're up a cat."

"Her name is Goose." Sam volunteered.

This only seemed to solidify Natasha's fears, "That's a terrible name for a cat."

"What? You don't like geese?" Sam was, at this point, resigned to his fate. He gathered the creature in his arms and was determinedly scratching behind her ear.

Natasha finished securing the last knife to the insides of her wrist, "They used to chase me when I was a kid."

"Bullshit." Sam said, "You were never a kid."

"I was like Dan once." Natasha told him, "But being a murderous pawn tends to drain that out of you. By the time you're her age, it's gone. All that's left is an echo."

Sam was frankly terrified by the idea of Nat opening up about anything, "That's why you never trusted her."

"And I was right." Nat pointed out, "They aren't coming here to kill her because she helped an old lady across the street."

He shook his head, "I just can't see her doing-"

"Down!" Nat grabbed his shoulder, dragging Sam into a crouch as a bullet sped past.

The first bullet was followed by a second, and a third, and then counting became a waste of time. HYDRA were here.

Staying low, they crept across the floor till they were round the other side of the car, where the boot was open. Natasha reached up, and pulled out two trigger units, handing one to Sam.

"Detonator." Nat said, "There's a micro explosive fifty feet on your ten. When enough of them are in range, blow it."

"Why didn't they take the cars down?" Sam asked, ducking beneath another flurry of bullets.

Nat chanced a glance around the tail light, "Road blocks. I told you, I've been busy. They'll know we've sent for backup- they don't have the time to waste on clearing them."

"Right." Sam nodded, firing a few blind bullets round his side just to keep the way clear, "If I ran it now, I reckon I could take out a good dozen, maybe even-"

"You're not going anywhere." Nat hurriedly reloaded, "We have the advantage from here. They're not gonna keep charging us forever. Once they set up firing posts, all we've gotta do is wait for the others to turn up and they'll drive right into us. All the heroic moments you could want."

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