1-Laws of lying

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“Your code?” I twitched. Just for a brief moment. In my mind fear was combined with forcing control back onto my side, keeping it. It was exhausting me. But, even Alphas felt that way sometimes, didn't they? 

The officer handed me a scratched display, a remnant from times I couldn't even remember. But the knowledge that this thing could have even seen earth wasn't worth my distraction.

Client. Beta. May have sold cell cores to the black market. A Delta, even a child, born blind. There was no way I could let her down.

Γ-F-h475-I-235/ R-21 S-[]

He looked down, disapproving. I was twenty-one. Apart from unqualified in the eyes of society I was also young for this job. I knew. “I finished my courses early”

His eyebrows furrowed, lips stretched to a thin line. Just for a moment. A tiny one. Enough to be noticed if you had increased senses and a better understanding of feelings than four of five kinds. “Just thinking the alphas and betas should play AsLaw, us Gammas should rather take the lower jobs”

Us gammas.

The third class was already seen as incapable.

“No offense though”

Assisting Lawyer. AsLaw. Playing the human brain in defending or attacking in court by adding a subjective view to an AI's objective one. After leaving home, I'd always been an outstanding talent in doing so.

Standing up for my opinion with all my soul, regardless if asked or not.

By now, I worked myself up to a point the other AsLaws bared their teeth as soon as they saw my name on top of a report. I needed to keep my secret for exactly that reason. Keeping my job. Keeping my reputation “Nah, give the low jobs to the Deltas, we're free men, mate.”

Gammas were. Resembling the original human blueprint the most, they still had the ability to change the attitude whenever they felt like it, their mind still various as if it wasn't predicted to fit into a category. They weren't meant to be categories at all. Just...description.

Then, the omegas came. And suddenly, everything changed.

“Alright, good to go. Best luck tiny boy.” I forced a smile. Tiny. Weakly. Still. No matter how much protein I forced down my throat or worked out, I would always stay the strangely tiny boy. Just as much as Appollox. Only that my brother dearest found a way out this hell years ago.

I sighed, walking faster. Data, robots and electricity made their way. Human, rather not. Most of rather simple jobs were done by robots today. Deltas did whatever physical labor was left.

Gammas mostly kept the machines and simple programs in check, even when being free of choosing. Natural instincts or something like this. Rather, social expectations.

Alphas would take the highest jobs. Scientists, head of organizations, politics, lawyers. Betas took some of those positions as well if they could handle the stress. But mostly, they settled with helping the alphas out or bossing the lower classes around.

Oh, it was such a joy to see one of them on the other side of the table, telling me with a single look that I didn't belong there. Even murderers and drug-dealers managed to fuck me off due their own pride.

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