Chapter Three

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“Don’t like me.”

I rolled my eyes. “Not like that. You’re my friend, Jason, and I just want to get to know you.” Well that’s a total lie...

“Oh ummm... there’s just a lot. Too much for one night.” He turned around and jogged the other way.

“You’ll tell me Jason Anderson, I know you will!” I called out.

He didn’t wave refute me or agree with me. He stopped and stared at me from a few yards back. He didn’t blink. He didn’t speak. He just stood there. There was something about his girlfriend. I knew it. Something inside me just knew, and I would find out, whether Jason wanted me to or not.


I was the first one to arrive at the track, which was fine by me. I needed to stretch and warm up, preferably before everyone arrived. I jogged a quick lap just before Jason showed up.  “Nervous?” He asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

“Of course not.” In truth, though, I was terrified. I had to win. I talked such smack that I had to win. 

“You should be!” Sam said from behind me. 

I turned to greet him; Lauren and Cameron were with him. “Is everyone coming to watch?” I asked, my nerves rising even higher, if that was possible.

“Oh yeah!” Cameron said, a wide grin coming onto his face. “We’re all coming to watch Jason beat you.”

“You say that now,” Lauren said. “But she can run a mile in four minutes!”

“Oh really?” Jason asked. 

“I never said that…” I mumbled. 

“Yep! Didn’t you say that you clocked yourself at 4:06 or something?”

Everyone turned to look at me. I shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t remember.” 

Jason was staring at me with a narrowed expression. He knew I couldn’t run that. I was fast, yes, but I was not faster than the world record. I averted my eyes and cracked my knuckles. “Are y’all ready?” I asked.

“Not yet! We’re waiting on the rest of the guys to get here,” Lauren squealed. They should be here soon!”

I nodded. “So when I win, Jason’s buying us all donuts, right?” I clarified.

Sam shook his head. “Jason’s gonna win, Leah.” He grinned. “You’re amazing, but Jason is, too.” Sam stood real close to me. “Did you talk to Jason about what you told me?”

I shook my head. “I told you I wouldn’t.”

“I know, but you should.”

“Is that why he’s apparently so good? He runs when he’s upset?” I asked.

Sam nodded. “He also played football in high school – he was a tight end.”

I nodded. My man was athletic. He’s not your man, Leah. The other guys strutted over to us. “My man Jason and my girl, Leah!” Chris shouted from across the room. “Come together in this event on this day to race, not two, not three, but one lap around the track!”

A chorus of laughter rang out.

“Who,” he looked around dramatically. “will triumph on this day, in this place, on the hour?”

I hugged him. “Oh my gosh, Chris, you make my day.” I laughed. “But we all know it’s gonna be me.”

Jason scoffed. “You wish. Just get ready to eat my dust- wait, what’s your last name?”

The AwakeningOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant