"Oh, wow-"


The following week, Elizabeth Luxanna

Elizabeth stared mournfully at her latest batch of hybrids, having to officially count them as complete and utter failures. She had been trying to devise a more powerful general antivenom, and antibacterial but combining all the necessary hybrids kept resulting in failures. She had been working at this experiment for several months—almost a year—but she simply couldn't get it to work.

Her math was correct. In theory it ought to work, but in practice she just couldn't get it down.

It was with great reluctance that Elizabeth decided to shelve the project for now. She would return to it when she could look at it with a fresh mind, and a touch more experience.

She sighed as she began to set about packing away all related notes, and cleaning out the pots.

Failures were just a part of being a scientist. She lost count of how many ideas she's had to shelve over the years because she kept coming to a dead end.

'I wonder if I'll even have room for this experiment in my storage,' Elizabeth thought. 'Hmm... I may have to requisition another storage locker for my notes.'

It took a solid three hours for Elizabeth to properly clean up Project Super Anti, and another hour for her to carry everything over to her storage unit inside Central Command. When she was done, she debated on what her next project should be.

'Another weapon? Maybe a new poison? What about a new sedative? Pain reliever? Maybe something small to help with anxiety? Or maybe I should just continue my experiments on a human nervous system?'

That sounded fascinating. The human brain was a complex organ that no one really understood. Elizabeth was only barely scratching the surface of her research into neuroscience, and it was a truly marvelous endeavour.

Although she doubted she'd have enough time to truly delve into the truth of the human brain in her one lifetime.

It'd be swell if she could have a prolonged life like Selim. Then she would have plenty of time to venture further into the engrossing, and mysterious world of science.

She might even have time to delve into quantum physics!

Wouldn't that be a delight?

Elizabeth smiled to herself at the very idea.

'And I'd get to spend more time with Selim.'

Her smile stretched a little wider, her eyes shining at the very thought.

What a dream to have!


A week later

Elizabeth itched to pull at her rapier. Never before had she felt so utterly frustrated and upset. Her fingers twitched, but she held on tightly to her self-discipline and refused to give in. She clutched tightly at the adorable picture of her her and Selim smiling together.

"Admit. It," she hissed out, her gaze burning with intensity.

Maes Hughes kept his back straight, holding up a picture of his wife, and another picture of his daughter. He growled out. "Never. I hold the all time cutest pictures in existence."

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